
    Is Menopause A Women’s Issue?

    Women of all ages should see their gynecologists for an annual physical exam to maintain optimum health. If they’re sexually active, their yearly physical should have a Pap smear test, which is a test that detects cervical cancer. The Pap smear has played an enormous role in decreasing the cervical cancer rate among young girls.

    Keep in mind

    Additionally, girls between the ages of 40 and 50 should include mammograms alongside their annual physicals. When girls cross the age 50, they ought to include testing for colorectal cancer together with their physical examination. Parents especially mothers, should teach their adolescent girls about self-examination for breast cancer. Early awareness helps young women detect breast cancer at the early stages.

    All girls should follow the under mentioned tips for healthier living. Mothers should stick to these and educate their daughters about healthy lifestyles, so both mom and child grow to have healthier and longer lives. Women of all ages need the mineral calcium in their body. Research suggests that the Post Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) including cramps can be decreased by 50% if appropriate calcium supplementation is followed.


    Osteoporosis after menopause may also be reduced drastically if appropriate daily calcium supplementation is followed. The menopausal women can reduce hot flashes and night sweats by taking vitamin E 400-800 mg every day. This also helps them protect their immune system and cardiovascular health. If a woman is contemplating having kids, then folic acid supplementation lowers the odds of them giving birth infants with birth defects. Stress can also be one of the significant factors that influence women’s health.

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    Research indicates that women can add few more healthy years to their life by discovering ways to decrease stress. One of the proven methods to decrease anxiety is practicing yoga for 20 – 30 minutes each day. The odds of getting hormonal imbalance raises after a woman reaches the age 30, so if you’re at this age range, speak with your physician so that he/she can suggest a prescription to get over the counter hormone supplements.


    Visits to dentists must also be carried out once in at least six weeks to keep your mouth clean and maintain your beautiful smile that will assist you look younger. Quit or prevent smoking completely, in addition to drinking alcohol. Try to drink at least eight ounces of water daily. Drinking water prevents the body from dehydration and helps flush out the impurities in the body. When going out in sunlight use appropriate sunscreen to protect your skin from damaging rays of the sun, possible skin cancer, and heat strokes.

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    Unless you’re in a single healthier relationship, always use a condom and practice safe sex. This helps reduce the odds of developing cervical cancer and other sexually transmitted diseases. Also, try to incorporate exercise for 20-30 minutes daily to reduce your chances of developing heart related disorders while giving you more energy everyday.



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