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    Many people find headaches more than a nuisance. They can become a debilitating condition that can lead to migraines. It can be unbearable to feel pain in any part of your body. If it is in your head, it can quickly become a pulse like a knife knocking at your temples. Headaches are usually caused by constriction in blood vessels or a decrease in oxygen supply to the brain.


    Chronic headaches and migraines can make it difficult to function and leave you bedridden. Due to tight shoulders and necks, anxiety and stress are the main causes of constriction in blood vessels. Natural relief from pain can be achieved by relaxing the body and calmening the mind. There are many medications on the market that dilate or thin blood vessels to allow it to flow more easily through the narrowed blood vessels.

    This only provides temporary relief. The medicine is temporary and will not provide relief for stress. The cycle continues with another pill. This can lead to chemical dependence and liver damage over time. The best way to address the problem holistically is to use natural methods rather than resort to drugs.


    There are many options. Some of the most popular options are yoga, meditation, Pranayama, deep breathing to calm nerves and still your mind, and Pranayama. These practices can take time to master. It can be difficult for many to get the mind to do what they want. In fact, it is more difficult than ever to calm the mind. This causes it to become more agitated, which can lead to more worries and a larger headache.

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    There are many other ways to manage headaches such as Shiatsu, acupressure, Reiki and acupressure. However, we don’t always have access to a therapist, the money, or the time. Brain entrainment, which involves synchronizing brainwaves to a specific frequency using external stimuli such as light or sound, is a new concept that is increasingly popular. Computers can generate specific sound waves to play in the range 4-40 Hz. This is the same frequency as brainwave frequencies.


    The brain naturally aligns itself to the frequency being played around it. This phenomenon is called Frequency Following Response. If two clocks with the same frequency are placed next to each other, they will eventually become in sync. The brain exhibits the ‘Frequency Following Reaction’ phenomenon, which falls in sync to the frequencies near it. These single rhythmic tones have a rapid, on-and-off pulse and are rhythmic.

    These beats are more effective than other methods such as binaural beats because they don’t require headphones. They also have the advantage of being more efficient, since they affect the whole brain and bring the brainwaves into the desired state more quickly. The frequency range of 8-10 Hz is known to have calming effects, and should be used at the first sign of a headache.

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    Brainwave entrainment is a regular treatment that encourages the brain’s development of new neural pathways. This means that headaches and migraines will decrease over time and can be prevented by promoting a relaxed and receptive state.



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