
    How To Reduce Headache In Children?

    Technology has made headaches common for children. Sometimes parents don’t believe their child. They think they are too young or they are trying to get out school. However, research shows that nearly 75% of children below 15 years old will experience at least one severe headache. Headaches are often thought to be the result of stressed adults. However, with so many children being involved in school, homework, extracurricular activities, and eight hours of school, it is quite common for them to experience headaches.

    Brain Activity

    Scientists are finding that headaches can be prevented by changing brain activity. This means that parents can play an active and dramatic role in preventing their children from developing migraine-like headaches. A brain surgeon will not tell you that staring at a television or computer screen for long periods of time is not good for your health. It is also not good for a developing mind.

    Anyone can get headaches from prolonged exposure to radiation and light. Research is beginning to show that children who spend at least three hours a day staring at television screens or computer monitors are five times more likely than those who live a more varied lifestyle to get severe headaches.

    Did You Know?

    The effects of prolonged exposure to computer screens and television monitors can lead to chronic migraines in adults. Limit your child’s time on the computer and TV. It can be as easy or as difficult as you want. Get outside with your child and play a game. They will not only learn social skills by limiting their internet exposure, but they will also experience a decrease in headaches.

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    Children today consume more caffeine than their parents. This is a sad fact. Caffeine can be a dangerous drug that can cause permanent brain damage if it is not taken in sufficient amounts. Drinking coffee, chocolate, and teas can quickly rewire a child’s brain to become chemically dependent upon caffeine. This can happen in as little as one week. It might take patience and time if your child has been drinking soda for a while or really enjoys Twix or M&Ms. Your child will be able to understand the effects of caffeine-containing foods and beverages on their brain. Plan to gradually reduce their caffeine intake.


    The number of handheld devices available to children these days is so high that they can easily get headaches if they are used for prolonged periods of time. The main culprit can be an MP3 player, especially if it is too loud. Young ears are sensitive to auditory vibrations, and even mildly loud music can cause damage to the ear canals as well as parts of the brain. This can lead to headaches and earringing.

    Listening to loud music can irreversibly damage a child’s hearing and can cause severe migraines throughout their lives. Ask your child to stop listening to their MP3 for a week if they complain of headaches frequently. You will be amazed at the difference it can make. Discuss with your child the reasons for the headaches. Is your child allowed to be a kid? These days, children can be just as active in school and other extracurricular activities as their parents.

    Stress Factor

    All of this stress could be affecting your child’s health. Your child may expect to be the best scholar, star athlete, and perfect sibling. This can lead to excessive stress that can cause headaches every day. Allow your child to do whatever they like, no matter how silly or frivolous. In this digital age, where everyone is just an email away from work, it is essential that they have unstructured free time. Protect your child from adult stressors. This will help them to relax from the stress of school and sports competitions.

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    Everyone needs to be able to relax. Do you rush to the medicine cupboard when your child experiences a throbbing sensation in their head? If you use analgesics such as Advil or Tylenol for a long time, headaches can become more severe. The body adapts to the medication and eventually, the stress can overpower the effects.


    You should never give more medicine than is recommended to a child. Stop relying on painkillers. Teach your child simple breathing and meditation techniques. A simple meditation technique that involves ten deep, calming breaths and lying down on a bed can help with headaches. Teaching children to breathe and be still can help reduce stress better than any prescription painkiller. A blindfold placed over the eyes can help calm the child down and reduce inflammation and pain. A neti pot can be a great tool to help with sinus pressure headaches.



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