
    Τι μπορεί να προκαλεί πονοκεφάλους ημικρανίας;

    The duration of the headache is one of the most important factors. Migraines can last up to four hours, but some can last for days. Triggers or circumstances that cause migraines are also known. These include stress, fatigue, hormonal changes and adjustments in the weather, food allergies, sensitivities, or other health conditions.


    The soreness can be mild to severe, but it could also be very serious. Migraine headaches can often cause more severe side effects. There are many side effects to migraine headaches. Some people only experience the ache while others have more severe side effects. The most common side effects include nausea, light sensitivity and noise sensitivity.

    These symptoms can be treated with both over-the-counter medication and herbal remedies. Before you start any treatment, it is important to consult a doctor. When suffering from a migraine, nausea is thought to be caused by sensitivity of smell and stomach discomfort.

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    A person might find comfort in a place that isn’t contaminated with food or other smells. Sometimes, severe cases of nausea can be accompanied by vomiting. A doctor should be consulted unless there is an additional medical condition, such as a virus, that could cause the vomiting. Migraine sufferers often experience environmental sensitivities, such as light and sound.

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    A long, restful sleep in a dark place is the best remedy for most people. Because the headache is already severe, light and sound can be even more aggravating. The situation can be further agitated by sound or light. Frequent foods like chocolate and red wine can trigger migraines. Bananas can even cause migraine headaches. Individuals who notice a sensitivity to certain foods should be careful not to eat them for a while. Then, gradually reintroduce the food until the sensitivity is gone. Sometimes, the sensitivity may not manifest.

    Other Factors

    Other factors that can affect migraine headaches include caffeine intake and how often one eats. Even skipping meals can cause migraine headaches. A migraine headache can be caused by a drop in blood sugar due to missing a meal. A migraine headache can also be caused by too much caffeine, or withdrawal from caffeine.

    It is important to know if someone is suffering from this trigger so they can avoid it. Migraine headaches can be caused by a variety of health conditions, including asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, sleeping disorders, and other chronic illnesses. These headaches are also thought to be genetic. Surprisingly, four out of five migraine sufferers have a family history of the condition.

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    Migraine head aches can be managed by understanding the signs, symptoms, triggers, and how they interact with other medical conditions. Migraine headaches can be treated with medication.



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