
    Πώς να παραμείνετε υγιείς και δραστήριοι κατά τη διάρκεια της περιεμμηνόπαυσης;

    Discover ways to remain active with natural remedies even while in perimenopause. Conventional treatments for perimenopause like hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are known to carry serious side effects to our cardiovascular health. Because of this, a growing number of women are now exploring different methods of treating perimenopause symptoms.

    Chinese treatment

    The Chinese, for example, have been known to utilize herbal medicine for centuries. What used to be considered as unscientific treatments are now the middle of interest of plenty of healthcare professionals and women for their ability to naturally treat the symptoms of perimenopause without lots of the unwanted side effects.

    Natural remedies are considered to be better for our general health. These remedies are normally made from herbs and plant extracts that contain hormones which are extremely similar to the progesterone and estrogen naturally within our bodies. Consequently, this makes them easier for our bodies to absorb and use. For irregular intervals, soy-based foods such as tofu and soy milk will aid in stabilizing an erratic cycle. The fantastic news is these foods may also prevent heart-disease, osteoporosis and certain kinds of cancers.

    For heavy bleeding, however, see a physician. For low libido and/or vaginal dryness, ginseng might help as it’s tonic properties for stimulating the libido. Black cohosh has been used by Native Americans and other health professionals in treating some ailments that especially affects women like menstrual cramps, hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness.

      Συνδέονται το PMS, οι νυχτερινές εφιδρώσεις και η αϋπνία;

    For alleviation of PMS symptoms, treatment of depression, mood swings and irritability, the Peruvian Maca root is thought to be effective in treatment of them. Not much research has been done, but it’s thought to be a stimulant for the body to make its own testosterone and estrogen. Still for menstrual irregularities and menopause symptoms, the Chinese herb Dong Quai is used.

    Dong Quai

    Also called “the female ginseng”, it’s full of phytoestrogens that either increases or reduces the body’s estrogen levels. Ginseng and the gingko biloba extract are believed to help enhance memory and poor concentration. Avoid alcohol consumption as it is a primary contributor for hot flashes and night sweats. Additionally, it will help if exercise includes a proper diet.

    Consider daily supplements like flaxseed oil. This assists in regulating body temperature and in controlling brain function. Calcium and magnesium normalizes the stress hormones. Vitamin E may also work as a weak estrogen in the body and so reduces night sweats and hot flashes. Topical estrogen cream may also help in vaginal itching and dryness. Tea is a certain way to alleviate some stress after a long, hard day. Chamomile reduces anxiety.

    A hot cup can work great things for you. Just bear in mind that any material taken in excess will ultimately be damaging to your health. The same holds for the herbs mentioned. Some studies say that carrying too much soy may shutdown your thyroid if a person has hypothyroidism.

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    Black cohosh allegedly has some unwanted side effects also, like headaches, weight gain and gastric distress, and should not be used by pregnant women as midwives sometimes use this to cause labour.


    Unlike traditional medicines, there are no long-term clinical trials that look at the effectiveness and safety profile of those medications. Dosage for natural remedies also must be adjusted to your particular need. Medication, even though it uses natural vitamins and herbs, shouldn’t be attempted without sufficient study and the advice of a medical doctor or a naturopathic physician.



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