Plus d'informations

    Comment prévenir une nouvelle infection des sinus ?

    These tips will help you prevent sinusitis. They will decrease the severity and frequency of your symptoms, as well as prevent chronic infections. Get your flu shots each year. Take medication if you have symptoms of a cold. Avoid people who have colds. Their germs can spread to you, no matter how careful they may be.


    You are actually surrounded by germs. You are constantly exposed to germs in public places. Handrails on stairs, escalators and public transport, shopping basket handles, toilet floors when you place your handbag down, and elevator buttons. Wash your hands with soapy water frequently, especially after you’ve been outside and before you eat.

    Reduce stress levels and eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to strengthen your immune system. Dairy products can thicken your mucous so reduce intake. Avoid allergens if you have seasonal allergies. Keep indoors as much possible. If you have air conditioning, close your windows. It keeps the temperature steady and filters out allergens. A humidifier is a device that prevents your environment from drying out too much. Humidity can also be a problem if you have allergies to molds and dust mites.

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    Que faire ?

    What should you do? What do you think? Use prescription antihistamines and nasal sprays to relieve congestion if necessary. Ask your doctor about non-sedating options so you can continue living a normal life and not feel sleepy. Immunotherapy or allergy shots for up to five years can reportedly reduce allergy symptoms or stop them altogether. Keep hydrated by drinking lots of fluids.

    This will strengthen your immune defenses and reduce nasal secretions. Fluids can be water, hot water with honey or herbal tea, as well as regular and regular water. Alcohol is not considered a fluid for those who drink. Your situation is worsened by alcohol, which can cause swelling of the sinus membranes. Beer is the worst. Your problems are made worse by the changing pressure caused by air travel. To ensure that your sinus passageways are open, you can use decongestant drops and inhalers before you fly if you are forced to.


    Inhaling steam and nasal sprays keep your nasal passages moist. To avoid injury to your sinuses, blow your nose gently. Chronic sufferers should avoid smoking, cigarette smoke, strong-smelling chemicals, and other allergens. Swimming in chlorinated water for long periods of time can irritate your sinuses and worsen your condition. Clearing your nasal passages is key to preventing sinusitis. Stagnant mucous can be a breeding ground for infection. Do so by irrigating your nasal passages daily.

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