
    Am I Going Crazy?

    Are you irritable, moody, having difficulty sleeping? Maybe you’re convinced that your household has a conspiracy against you, turning the thermostat up whenever you’re in another room. Is the idea that hot flashes are controlling your lifetime a real concern? Well, you may be going through menopause. Let’s take a close look at the usual symptoms, and perhaps how to repair them.


    When the mood swings and irritability begin to kick in, lots of women honestly think that they’re going crazy. But seeing a psychologist will not help these symptoms, I guarantee you! The issue is from the hormones, especially estrogen. When Estradiol levels begin to fall (Estradiol is the active form of estrogen) this really can reek havoc on a woman’s mental start, as a result of interaction of the chemical with serotonin.

    Serotonin is a natural compound that’s produced in both women and men of all ages, and is the”happy” neurotransmitter in the brain that helps to elevate our moods. However, in menopausal women this compound gets a little sidetracked. When that happens a lady can’t just have some fairly off-the-wall mood swings, but also start to get rid of sleep.

    Going Crazy?

    With both of these things combined, it is no wonder many women feel as though they are going cuckoo. Add the hot flashes that are so typical in menopause, and you truly have a recipe for irritability. Hot flashes can occur at just about any time during the day or night, and are due mostly (once again) by the fall in estrogen levels.

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    When a sudden drop in estrogen levels happens, the body will release a chemical called Norepinephrine that is truly adrenaline. This will raise the body temperature very quickly, causing the hot flashes, a rise in blood pressure, and occasionally a racing heart which may send some girls running for the ER.


    Obviously not all women experience this in such a dramatic manner, some never have to experience extreme symptoms like this. But if you aren’t one of those lucky few, they may be quite inconvenient indeed. How about the lack of sleep? Another terrific side effect that causes menopausal women to go around the bend is the lack of sleep, caused largely by the hot flashes! Yes, 1 symptom leads to another which exacerbates them all, and pretty soon you’re looking for a way to prevent this mad train and get off.

    There are some strategies to help alleviate the symptoms of menopause, some natural and some prescribed by your physician. Most commonly prescribed previously to women going through menopause is HRT – hormone replacement therapy. There are different sorts of HRT, mix (both progesterone and estrogen ) that is mainly for women who still have their uterus intact and are healthy in general. For women who have had a hysterectomy, the prescribed treatment is generally estrogen only, because these girls aren’t at risk of endometrial cancer. If you’re somewhat afraid of all of the talk about cancer in cases where HRT has been used, there are naturally herbal remedies which could be taken.

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    Herbal Supplements

    Herbs like Black Cohosh are said to help alleviate the symptoms of menopause, in addition to damiana, dandelion root, motherwort, Asian ginseng, licorice root, lavender, kava, red clover, and ginkgo. Some of these herbs have been used for centuries not just in this country but also in China and other Asian cultures.



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