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    Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. Tension headaches account for 90% of all headaches. Many people have experienced them at some time in their lives. Tension headaches can cause pain (ranging from mild to severe) as well as tightness. This tightness extends from the neck, back, muscles, face, and eyes. This condition can last up to 30 minutes, and sometimes it can even last several days. It can last anywhere from four to six hours on average.


    A person suffering from tension headaches feels their head being squeezed constantly and experiences bilateral pain. Tension headaches are not disruptive to a person’s daily life. If the headache becomes severe or chronic, it can cause a person to become paralysed. It is not known what causes tension headaches. Experts believed tension headaches were caused by spasms in the neck and head muscles.

    However, experts now believe that brain chemicals can also be involved. Although experts are unable to pinpoint the exact cause, it is known that there are many factors that can trigger tension headaches.

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    Tension headaches can be caused by emotional and physical stress, poor posture, injury, overexposure of bright light, strain of the jaw (caused by nail-biting and gum chewing), and strain of neck. Tension headaches are easily distinguished from other types. The pain is constant, which means that there is no pulsing, throbbing, or other symptoms. The forehead pain is tight, and the top of the head seems to be squeezed.

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    Other symptoms include pain from the temples to the neck and down to the back of the head. People between the ages of 30-39 are most likely to be affected by this condition. These are the most stressful years in a person’s life.

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    Tension headaches are less common in those with a more stable lifestyle and those who are older. There are three options to treat tension headaches. The first is to purchase over-the-counter medication such as aspirin. The second option is to try non-medicinal forms of therapy like acupuncture, stress management and biofeedback.

    The third and most practical way to solve this problem is to identify the triggers (i.e. stress, hunger, anger and tiredness) and to avoid them. Knowing the root causes of chronic headaches like anxiety or depression can help you to manage them.


    Tension headaches are generally not serious. However, tension headaches are not usually very serious. If you continue to experience these symptoms, it is a good idea to consult a professional for advice and assistance. Prevention is always better than treatment.

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