
    Can taking Magnesium reduce Migraine Pain?

    More than half of Americans are deficient. Magnesium, one of the most relaxing minerals on the market can help with migraines and improve your sleep quality. Functional medicine uses magnesium all the time, but it is not commonly prescribed in traditional medicine. However, it is often used in emergency medicine. It has been used on crash carts. IV magnesium would be administered to someone in life-threatening situations, such as an irregular heartbeat.


    It is prescribed to people who have frequent constipations, pregnant women who are going into pre-term labor, and those with high blood pressure. Magnesium is basically a Miracle Mineral. Although I don’t mean it that way, magnesium is essential for many bodily functions and keeping us healthy. Magnesium is very affordable and easy to find. Magnesium acts primarily as a relaxer.

    Magnesium deficiency is a condition where you feel irritable, stiff or headachy and you feel depressed. This mineral is responsible for more than 300 enzyme reaction in the body. It can be found in all parts of the body, but it is most commonly found in the brain, muscles, and bones. It is essential for cells to produce energy, supply the “pumps in the glands”, keep the muscles relaxed, and stabilize the membranes.

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    There are many symptoms and problems that can be caused by a magnesium deficiency. Over 3500 medical references exist for magnesium deficiency. This is a serious problem. If you suffer from migraines or another chronic condition, you will need more magnesium.

    Why is this so? Simple. We eat a lot of processed foods that have little magnesium and are also loaded with prescription drugs that could deplete us. How can we increase our magnesium levels? We all know that we don’t get enough magnesium in our diets, so it is a good idea to add a few high-magnesium items to your grocery shopping list. These foods can help you control your magnesium levels which will in turn reduce your migraine symptoms.


    Chronic migraine headaches can completely control your life. The pain can be unbearable, constant, and incredibly overwhelming. It can leave you feeling depressed, scared, and often, alone. You can feel great again. With more than 10 years of experience in pain syndromes, thousands have been helped to regain their lives. You don’t need to travel to Norwalk CT. Many of my patients consult with me via phone.

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