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    Il mal di testa è una cosa normale?

    Duke University researchers found that chiropractic adjustments can almost immediately improve tension headaches in patients. These patients experienced significantly fewer side effects and received longer-lasting relief than those who were prescribed common medication. A 1995 study published in the Journal of Manipulative Physiological.

    Cura chiropratica

    Therapeutics found that chiropractic patients experienced therapeutic benefits four weeks after stopping receiving chiropractic care. This was in contrast to patients who were prescribed medication. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, 22% of patients who received chiropractic care reported a greater than 90% reduction in migraine attacks. 49% also reported significant reductions in the intensity of each migraine.

    Another study randomly assigned one group to spinal manipulation, daily medication or a combination of both. Spinal manipulation was as effective as medication in relieving migraines. It also had fewer side effects.


    Studies have shown that chiropractic care is as effective as medication in the prevention of tension headaches and migraine headaches. Tension headaches are the most common type. Tension headaches are caused by tightness in the neck, scalp, and face muscles. This type of headache is mild, steady, and described as “band-like around the head”.

      Quali sono i fatti sul mal di testa che dovrei conoscere?

    These episodes are often associated with fatigue, stress, depression, and muscle spasms in the neck and upper back. *Sinus Headaches are characterized by pain in the sinuses above or below the eyes (frontal sinuses). These symptoms are often caused by an upper respiratory infection that blocks the sinuses, causing pain and tenderness. The symptoms are often worse if you bend forward or lay down. This headache is often mistaken for a tension headache or a migraine.


    Patients describe migraine headaches as a recurring, pulsing pain that occurs behind or on the side of their head. Migraine episodes can last for hours or days and cause nausea, sensitivity to light, sound, and sensitivity. Triggers can be anything from anxiety to certain foods to hormonal changes to hormonal changes. They are more common in women and are often preceded or preceded by flashing lights, zigzag lines or visual disturbances.

    Although migraines were once thought to be vascular in origin, recent research has shown that they are neurologically based. This is due to a wave in nerve cell activity that sweeps across your brain.

      A quali esami dovrebbero sottoporsi tutte le donne?

    Cefalee a grappolo

    Cluster Headaches are usually located on one side of your head or around your eyes. Cluster headaches are more common in men and don’t last for long. They can occur in a series, or as a group, as the name suggests. Common symptoms include tearing of the eye, nasal congestion, flushed eyes, and a constricted pupil to the side of the headache.


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