
    How To Control Night Sweats?

    When you finally get to sleep, (and most of us know that’s not a simple effort,) you begin burning up, drenching your jammies, and wrestling with your own covers. Then, just as quickly, the Artic sets in and you’re grappling for covers . The clinically termed for these nasty buggers is “sleep hyperhidrosis.” Night sweats are the nocturnal version of our un-beloved hot flashes.

    Hormonal balance

    Our hormonal imbalance brings on abnormal or excessive perspiration during sleep, it arouses the heart to race, the human body to warm up. We turn bright red and then we perspire. Not only can night sweats interrupt our sleeping patterns, but as most of us know, they also play havoc with us working throughout the day. Because of our fall in estrogen, our Hypothalamus is whacked. This section of the brain regulates our body temperature.

    So, because it’s getting mixed signals all night and day, the hypothalamus believes that our body is too hot, and sends out a siren to “sweat, baby, perspiration”. Other medical conditions can cause night sweats, but 19 percent of those girls are in their 40s and 50s and night sweats often begin before the actual cessation of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Guess what, if you’re living with stress, your odds of hot flashes and night sweats goes up by 5X. Well then, that pretty much is all of us, because we’re wicked anxious about not getting any sleep!

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    What to do?

    Here are a few things to do at bedtime which may help you tame the beast, and help you get a little more sleep. Also keep a cool moist towel beside the water. Hey, night sweats are normal and very common. These signs aren’t: difficulty breathing while sleeping, fever or disease, extreme fatigue and persistent cough and extreme weight loss. Check in with your doctor if any of these happen. And lastly, there are a few additional things you can do throughout the day which may squelch that night sweat activate.

    Avoid salty, salty and spicy foods and stay a way from very hot beverages like coffee, chocolate and tea. Alcohol and soda may bring them , and tobacco has shown to intensify the effect. Move that body one or more times a day, and exercise in the evenings or early in the day. Exercise also helps to improve the quantity of endorphins circulated on your blood. Endorphins make us feel happier about life, so the more the merrier.

    Final word

    One study demonstrated that aerobic exercise reduces the severity of hot flashes in 55 percent of menopausal women. That’s you and me, feeling better. Let’s ingest a great deal of veggies and fresh fruit. Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits are full of Vitamin E, C, magnesium and potassium, they’re our friends. So are leafy green vegetables, tofu and flaxseed. And just a last thought that might help you to get that foot rub you’ve been craving.

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    Acupressure can also help. As a hot flash starts, try massaging the tip of this juncture of the big toe and the next toe. This strain may cool you down and draw heat away from the peak of your body. To prevent hot flashes, try massaging Liv 3, which can be in precisely the identical location but two finger-widths up from the juncture between the big toe and the next toe. Acupuncture may be an additional source of relief for you.



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