
    Is A Cold Nose Good For My Health?

    While I bask in the California sun on January 10, I worry that I might run out of sunblock. My thoughts also go to the Mid West and other snow-covered areas. I want to remind you what you can do to stay healthy. You are susceptible to sinus/nasal conditions that can be avoided by wearing snow boots. Here are some tips for snow bunnies. Avoid getting cold. Your immune system will be affected if you are chilled. Get out of wet clothes as soon as possible. The same applies to if you’re going from hot to cold, don’t forget to cover up and keep warm.

    Good Tips

    It is a good idea to have a back pack. Keep extra tops, towels, and jackets in it so you can change as needed. These extras are great for when you arrive in the cold from the snow or to keep warm in a room heated. It is not something to laugh about if your nose is cold. The nose works overtime in cold to warm your lungs. The nasal cilia become brittle and stop removing bacteria from the nose.

    Dry nasal cilia won’t be able to move the bacteria away. Sinus infections can result if the bacteria remains in the sinuses and nose. Make sure to moisten the air you inhale. The air is dry in cold weather. Higher altitudes will see the air dryter. You can do everything you can to add moisture to the air. Heat pans of water, fill tubs and sinks with water, run a vaporizer, and take a hot shower. To moisten the air, you can hang sheets or towels that are wet. Moisten your nose.


    Get plenty of fluids. You can add lemon or lime juice to plain water instead of drinking water. Honey can be used in place of sugar. This will thin your mucus and have antibacterial properties. This will help you stay healthy and thin your nasal and chest mucus. Lemon juice can be added to salad dressings. Switch to green or black tea instead of coffee. Tea is rich in antioxidants and stimulates cilia movement.

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    Increase nasal cilia movement. Millions of microscopic hairs in the nose and chest act as oars to move pollen, bacteria and viruses out of your nose. These bacteria get trapped in a layer mucus, which is moved by the Cilia to the back of your throat. The stomach acid then takes out the bacteria. The cilia slows down when it is subject to extreme temperatures. Tea, jumping rope, and pulsatile irrigation are some of the ways to restore normal movement to the cilia.

    Avoid Smoking

    It is great to sit by the crackling fire. Some homes are not designed for the cold weather we are currently experiencing. Electric heaters are great as they don’t fill the air with smoke or ash. Fireplaces that haven’t been used for a while can be dangerous if they aren’t properly vented. Oil heaters can be dangerous because they may not have been vented properly and can cause carbon monoxide.

    Every year, someone is found dead in their garage. They used the motor to heat up and then built up carbon monoxide. Recent research has shown that gas stove heaters are safe for the nose and chest. One common result of cold weather is that people may be living in a new trailer home or in a bedroom with new furniture and rugs. These new products, such as cabinets, wooden furniture, or manufactured rugs, all have formaldehyde-type preservatives. Solvents may be present in lacquer and paints. These solvents can evaporate into the atmosphere if the trailer is heated and left unvented. This can be dangerous. You should ensure that the trailer home or hotel room you are renting is completely aired before you heat it.

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    Avoid Fashion

    It is absurd to see women wearing high heels and a short skirt on ice and snow, and men with slippy leather soles in dress shoes. Many people slip on the ice, and many of them die. Dressing for the climate requires wide boots that don’t slip, pants and sweaters. Be smart. To help you balance, carry a stick or cane. Keep in mind that you don’t want your skull to get crushed by falling on ice and snow. You don’t have to be 80 years old to walk with a cane that balances you.

    Avoid freezing. Consider using pulsatile irrigation to treat a cold. Pulsatile irrigation can be used to eliminate ICAM-1. This is the product that the virus uses to enter your body. If you can wash it out, you won’t get a cold. Hand washing is essential as it is the number one vector of viruses entering your body.


    Doctors believe that vitamin D and probiotics (yogurts) can boost your immune system. Check your local driving conditions. Driving correctly is just as important as having a cold nose. Many snow accidents occur because people don’t know how to stop or what to do if their car slides. Find out more about snow driving from your local authorities.



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