
    Is Soy After Menopause Good Or Bad?

    Like many girls, I have always thought that eating loads of soy was great for me. After all, it seemed to be popping up everywhere from soy beverages to soy snacks. It had been the food to consume. But then suddenly I started hearing that it was really harmful for me to be eating it, especially now that I’ve gone through menopause. Apparently there’s a darker side to soy I was unaware of.

    What to do?

    And so, being only a bit confused, I pick a little research was in order. The first thing I learn from my study is that we’re eating far more soy on a day to day basis than we realize. Even when we aren’t looking for soy particularly, it’s there in a number of our breads, baked goods, oils, beverages, and snacks. So while small quantities of soy may be beneficial to good health, large amounts aren’t.

    In Asian cultures, where soy is a significant part of the daily diet, the average person still only consumes about 9 grams a day of fermented soy products. Fermenting soy generates probiotic bacteria that’s good for us. However, in our culture, it appears the majority of the soy foods such as snacks and beverages that we consume aren’t only made from non fermented soy that fails to offer this goodness, they also comprise almost 20 g of soy each item. This means we aren’t only getting too much of a great thing, but we’re in actuality, getting far too much of a good thing gone bad!

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    Now as for soy following menopause, I had for a long time thought that it was soy’s ability to improve estrogen that made it great for menopausal women. Since estrogens declines after menopause, it made sense that eating something which increases estrogen could be beneficial. But now I’m reading that this isn’t necessarily true and that, in actuality, eating soy and raising estrogen levels might actually increase the risk of breast and other cancers. Apparently, as far as eating soy is concerned, there are a few things to bear in mind.

    Do This!

    First, read the labels. Soy is popping up in everything, so it’s sensible to be conscious of how much you’re really getting. Next, look especially for fermented soy. I didn’t even realize there was such as thing. It’s the healthy soy. Also, as with any food, moderation is the key. By incorporating some fantastic soy in your diet you can reap its benefits. And finally, speak with your doctor about matters like bioidentical hormone therapy, and other organic ways that will assist you get through menopause and produce a healthy post menopausal lifestyle. If you enjoyed this report, please don’t hesitate to post it to your website or blog and forward this URL to your friends. Have a terrific day!

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