
    Är god behandling av kvinnor ett alternativ?

    Violence against women in Latin America has been classified as an epidemic in the area, sexual violence is one of the chief types of violence, and the situation of women in the rest of the planet isn’t very different. According to a report from the World Health Organization and statistics in the UN Women,”recent statistics of the international prevalence indicate that one in three girls in the world (35 percent ) has suffered bodily and/or sexual abuse of a few or sexual abuse by third parties at a certain time in their lives”.

    Violence factor

    In the aftermath of the expanding wave of violence against women, protests are organized in various areas of the world, in an unsuccessful attempt to stop it, particularly after cases are heard that shake the people due to their cruelty and sadism. And in those protests, you may read countless posters with phrases of repudiation of violence and support for girls. Initially, since I saw a harsh truth in that phrase, because I was born and raised in a macho society in which it’s taken as normal for men to harass women in the street, to inform them obscenities or to touch them impudently; in which it’s not uncommon for men to beat their women because they have “rights” to them in some areas of the country, women consider their husbands have the right to strike them, since they are their husbands, and they get angry if someone tries to defend them! It appears a joke, but it’s not-, and I believe that to a large extent that the high rate of sexual violence against girls in my country and in the rest of the world is machismo.

    The second, because I’d have liked to explain to the man who wrote that phrase which Islam does teach guys to”not offend”. Here God is telling men that they shouldn’t even look at girls up to that level guys have to respect women, in spite of their eyes! And they’re cautioned that God knows what they’re doing, even if nobody else knows, God knows. In the first place, God addresses guys and orders them to behave well and respect women; he then addresses women and requests them to act well and dress modestly, since Islam is honest, and teaches us that both women and men must meet our share of responsibility to make this a better world and live in harmony.

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    So Islam teaches men not to rape because if they are forbidden to examine girls unduly, they are far more forbidden to touch them . Islam has approached the dilemma of good treatment of women in a detailed and in depth fashion, emphasizing the distinctive respect it deserves in each of the various phases it goes through during its lifetime – when it’s a daughter, when she’s a wife and when she’s a mommy -, as we will see below. Before Islam was revealed, one of the Arabs was considered a hardship the arrival of a woman. While men were the origin of the pride of the parents and family members, girls were cause for despair and disappointment; and because of this, they had the horrible habit of burying alive the newly born women.

    In this manner God forbade this wild clinic considering it a very serious sin. But also, but it made the upbringing and education of the brothers a motive to win the blessings of God and eliminate the fire of Hell; said the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him):”Whoever has three daughters whom he cares for, provides them with what is necessary and treats them with mercy, Allah will make him enter Paradise without a place of Doubts”. This is the way Islam establishes the worth of girls from birth and provides them a place of honour by making them a source of blessing for their parents in this life and at the other. Islam commands respect and decent treatment towards our parents but elevates the status of the mother over the father.

      Vad behöver en kvinna?


    The Prophet spoke of the respect we should have towards our aunts. A man went to talk with Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said:”O Prophet, I have committed a grave sin. Do you think I can repair it in some way? ” He asked:”Does your mom live?” He replied no, then the Prophet asked him:”Have you got any maternal aunt alive?” The man said yes, then the Prophet said to him:”Be nice and considerate for her” (Tirmidhi, Al-Hakim, Ibn Hibban); and he also said:”The mother’s sister has a status like that of their mother” (Bukhari). One of the main accusations made against Islam is that it’s a sexist religion that oppresses women, that deprives us of our rights, that we’re subject to all types of abuses by men and that we have to maintain silent because that is what our faith requires.


    However, the truth is that in Islam, respect and great treatment of women isn’t feasible, it is an obligation! It’s a clear and powerful arrangement of God, and whoever doesn’t comply with this order will be incurring in an act of disobedience for which he will need to render an account one of God. Once more, Islam teaches us the guidelines for living in harmony and safety, so the rights of the individuals are respected, so the strong don’t abuse the weak and no one is treated with injustice. However, a lot of folks prefer to follow the path of evil, don’t feel empathy for the suffering of others and just wish to satisfy their desires no matter what.



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