
    How To Avoid The Dangers Of Prostate Problems?

    The Prostate Gland is a sexual hormone that’s an integral component of the male reproductive system. In it’s natural state, it’s the size and shape of a walnut and is located slightly forward of the rectal region. It’s primary role is to generate semen that assists in the transport of semen from the male to the female.

    What is happening?

    The fluid travels through the urethra once the man has an erection. When there’s not any erection, the urethra carries urine from the bladder as it leaves the body. During normal healthy bodily functions, a healthy prostate gland, which is wrapped around the urethra, causes no issues. But an inflamed enlarged prostate will exert pressure on the urethra resulting in a restriction of the flow of urine in the bladder.

    This leads to difficulty starting urination, a weak flow of urine, and waking several times at night to urinate. BPH (Begin Prostatic Hyperplasia Inflammation and Enlargement) is essentially a non cancerous enlargement and inflammation of the Prostate Gland. Of the three basic states of the prostate gland, this is the most frequent.

    Did you know?

    Older men tend to be afflicted with this illness but recently younger men have started to show signs of a changing trend. All men have a propensity to produce an increased variety of female hormones as they get older. An elevated ratio of male to female hormones in elderly men contributes to DHT (Di-Hydro-Testosterone). This metabolic bi-product is undesirable as it inflames and irritates the prostate causing it to grow in size.

    And in rare instances causing Prostate Cancer. Prostatitis is an infection of the Prostate Gland that could be very painful. Many patients with this condition have clarified urination as “attempting to urine razorblades”. Most urologists explain Prostatitis as extremely tough to treat. It’s often brought on by bacteria like those responsible for inducing Urinary Tract Infections. Some patients, however, show no signs of having any micro-organisms.


    It usually develops because of untreated BPH resulting from stale urine in the bladder and urethra. This produces an exceptional environment for the growth for an illness. A natural food supplement such as Beta 1-3 Glucan is often quite successful in treating Prostatitis. Prostate Cancer is a malignant tumor of the Prostate.

    As the tumor grows, it has the potential to spread to other regions of the Prostate and adjoining regions. In a worst case scenario, it may spread to other locations or bones. Successful natural treatment is composed of change of diet, change of lifestyle, and taking dietary supplements. Prostate Cancer is the slowest growing of all of the Cancers.


    It that doesn’t progress away from the Prostate is usually not lethal. But that doesn’t mean Prostate Cancer should be regarded as a Non Event. More men die from Prostate Cancer than any other Cancer. What Causes Prostate Enlargement? Diet and lifestyle play a substantial role in Prostate issues. I’m positive you have heard the old adage You Are What You Eat, well that definitely holds true in regards to Prostate health. I will add an addendum to this adage, You Also Are What You Don’t Eat. Basically what I am trying to say is it is of equal importance to eat the correct foods and to prevent the incorrect foods.

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    In the USA and Europe, the diet is made up of large proportion of animal fats, particularly dairy foods such as butter, yogurt, cheese, and milk. Besides animal fats, the diet also comprises an even higher proportion of processed foods such as biscuits, cakes, and ready meals. Many of these items include dairy products. The simple perception, as encouraged by the dairy industry, is that dairy products are healthful.

    They depict images of healthy cows happily munching grass in the wide open areas of the pasture. It’d be nice if that were the case but the vast majority of cows are fed grain in unhealthy crowded pens. It’s not that the owners are unkind people but the fact that there simply is not enough grass or room to accommodate the lot of cows involved. So instead they are fed grain in a restricted environment. The issue with cows is cows are uncomfortable eating it so a few of them get sick. To keep them from becoming sick, a dose of antibiotics is mixed with the grain. So the cows eat the antibiotic laden grain and traces of these antibiotics are absorbed in their systems.

    Let’s see…

    We eat their meat, drink their milk and traces of these antibiotics are now absorbed into our systems. So you say “whatever the issue, antibiotics combat disease, that is a great thing”. Well not exactly. Remember when you’re a child, your mom warned not to eat too much candy? It will make you sick, she said. And one day you found out mother was right. The antibiotic situation is comparable. Despite the fact that you’re receiving trace amounts every time, years of accumulative trace quantities result in bulk amounts.

    So along with antibiotic residue from all dairy products, all industrially produced milk comprises dairy fat, a lot of biochemicals, and hormones that, extensive studies have proven, stimulates the growth of Prostate Cancer.

    Avoid this

    Avoid the white stuff and all those sugar substitutes, use organic honey instead. Sugar is fattening and has the potential to result in Type 2 Diabetes. Sugar also has the capability to neutralize the effectiveness of your immune system for around 8 hours after ingestion. This basically turns off the body’s most important defensive mechanism for 2 hours following the occurrence which makes you vulnerable to any number of severe ailments just waiting for a chance to attack your weakened defenses.

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    Frying your food isn’t a great idea especially if you add batter, bread crumbs, or white flour into the mixture. This generates acrylamides (known carcinogens). Also heating most fats to skillet causes them to get rid of most their enzymes and nutrients making them breakdown into trans fats. For safer intermittent skillet use organic coconut oil. Ensure that your exhaust fan is functioning properly because coconut oil has a propensity to smoke. You might want to consider stir frying, it is a more desirable and much healthier choice.

    Take note

    Seafood is a great source of animal protein. There are, however, some fish which are fitter than others. Stay away from large carnivorous fish such as tuna, cod, and salmon as they have a propensity to collect mercury which pollutes our oceans. Smaller fish such as sardines, mackerel, and herring are healthier choices. Try to restrict your intake of chicken to two or three times weekly.

    Organic or free range is preferred. Don’t hesitate to eat organic or free range more frequently. Battery cows are force bred with growth hormones. That raises the fat content of the meat and creates hormone residue that, over time, can become a health hazard. Eggs are a great source of protein if consumed in moderation. Again, organic or free range are fitter. Vegetables in their raw state are essentially the healthiest foods to eat. Stir fried or slightly steamed would be the next best. When looking for your veggies, always make organic your initial option.

    Non-organic vegetables are often sprayed with pesticides. The moment those substances come in contact with the surface of the vegetable they’re drawn into its interior by the process of osmosis. So by the time that fruit or vegetable gets to the shop it’s been irreversibility tainted. So in the event you take it home and wash it, your attempts to clean that thing will be too little too late.


    The problem intensifies when you consume that tainted thing and these chemicals enter the inside of your body. They often find their final resting place in the prostate gland. Over the years those accumulations build up and that is when Prostate problems start to surface. Enlarged Prostate, Prostatitis, and Prostate Cancer are often the final result. Healthy healthy foods are a necessity because of all of the vitamins and nutrients they bring to the table. But in some instances the amounts of vitamins and nutrients necessary to succeed would require somebody to eat enormous amounts of food to accomplish that goal.

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    These have the capability to deliver significant quantities of vitamins, minerals, and herbs while consuming very little space. The following are some of the recommended nutritional supplements for a healthy Prostate: Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Zinc, Selenium, Melatonin, Beta 1-3 Glucan, Fish Oil, Garlic, and Beta Sitosterol (very important). At this very moment, you might be losing a vital level of your masculinity, your muscle mass.

    If you don’t put a stop to this subtle reduction, you may experience a loss of muscle strength and mass as you get older. And as you get older, muscle actually becomes more significant. Loss of muscle can be indirectly responsible for drops, chronic illness, and several hormonal decrease resulting in Prostate problems. Simple aerobic exercises such as swimming, or walking, can be extremely helpful to your general health, including the health of your Prostate. This is among those changes in lifestyle you might need to implement to be able to maintain a healthy Prostate.



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