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    By age 50, most men will have an enlarged prostate and three of those men will have cancer cells forming in their prostate. Prostate cancer is the major cancer found in men and by age 75 three out of four men will have prostate cancer. The facts are fairly clear, if you are a man you’ll need to deal with BPH, enlarged prostate, or prostate cancer.

    How to know?

    So how do you know if you have BPH or prostate cancer? PAP, prostate acid phosphatase, a test which is more accurate than PSA, but many physicians do not use it or are unfamiliar with it. MRI, magnetic resonance imaging, can also be true but is the most expensive test. Biopsy of the prostate – Don’t have it done. It’s very bad for the prostate and should not be done.

    The ideal way to look after prostate health problems is to alter or improve your diet and lifestyle. Here is some space that you will need to look in to make changes. Go out and instantly but a supplement which comprises Beta-sitosterol. You’ll discover beta-sitosterol in saw palmetto and pygeum africanum, but these herbal plants have very little beta-sitosterol. This makes them useless for prostate health.

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    Θυμηθείτε το

    All these chemicals are known as Phytosterol, which is regarded as the fat within a plant. These sterols have an anti-inflammatory property and help to build your immune system. They’ve been found effective in reducing the inflammation of the prostate, BPH, lowering cholesterol, and assist in a number of other illnesses. Take the first step in maintaining a healthy prostate and prevent having to manage enlarged prostate or prostate cancer. Look for more of my posts on prostate health.



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