
    Ποια είναι τα πιο συνηθισμένα μέρη για επιθέσεις σε γυναίκες;

    Some things in life are puzzles, things that leave you wondering if they could possibly occur to you and if they do where or when. That’s really not true for attacks on girls. Needless to say, they can happen anywhere at any time, just because women are the targets of violence nine times more frequently than men. According to police statistics, there are particular places that girls are more likely to be assaulted. If you know where these areas are, you can create a heightened sense of awareness to your personal protection and personal safety.

    Common Areas

    Here are the most common areas for assaults on women. This isn’t a comprehensive list by any means. As mentioned above, they could occur anywhere, at any time. Believe it or not, the most frequent location for an attack on a woman is at home. Nearly one out of every 3 women is subject to domestic violence at some stage in her life. Domestic violence knows zero boundaries in regard to race, creed, colour, social status, or some other measuring stick. It’s an equal opportunity destroyer of lives. Another frequent location for women to be attacked is in parking lots. The cause of this might not seem obvious at first, but if you consider it, it makes sense.

    Women who go shopping in the grocery store or in the mall leave their car in the parking lot. Whenever girls return to their vehicle, they’re more than probably distracted by speaking with a friend, watching the infant or older children, talking on a mobile phone or some other variety of distractions. Predators use that diversion as a way to obtain an edge on an unsuspecting girl. Additionally many parking lots are badly lit; and the automobile could be parked in a secluded area of the lot- a recipe for sexual assault.

    The workplace is another frequent location for them, particularly in industries which are heavily populated with females like nursing and teaching. An excessive number of assaults happen on girls at their workplace. Another location for these attacks is public paths. Some women like to run, walk and bike in early morning hours until they get off to work. These regions are almost by definition secluded and sparsely populated, which makes them prime target-rich places for predators. Wherever you go, regardless of what time of day, or at any circumstance carry a self indulgent product with you which can offer life-saving time to a escape a dangerous situation and seek help. Your own personal protection and personal security is virtually assured by carrying out a simple pepper spray or a stun gun with you.

      Χρειάζεστε μερικές συμβουλές για σπρέι πιπεριού;


    Just like the age old adage, you can find measures it is possible to take to reduce the likelihood of learning to be a victim. This is actually the number 1 safety tip always. We are able to get distracted by a variety of things easily. Our children, being preoccupied with an extended to accomplish list and also familiarity with a location could cause us to avoid watching what is all around us. I believe the real number one culprit is our mobile phones. It had been bad whenever we were really just talking in it enough. At the very least your eyes could concentrate on your environment then. Now, emails and will go on the web out of this handy device.

    If you don’t come in a safe zone, If you are stopped at a traffic light even, resist the desire to go surfing and pin some cool stuff on your own boards. Focus on who and what’s around you. I was lucky to take a decade of ballet as a kid enough. My ballet instructor, if your back was hunched she’d stand behind you and contain the yardstick around your spine. I’ve learned your posture communicates your confidence. If you walk tall, walk with an objective. Thugs are searching for the weakest prey. If you look like you can or would set up a fight, This consists of parking lots.

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    New Places

    In case you are traveling to a new place, be sure you have clear directions on how best to enter and out of there. The final thing you need would be to get lost on the incorrect side of town without clue how to get the right path out. It’s most likely not. We’ve become so educated that people believe we should have a logical explanation for several our feelings and actions. That guy over the available room offers you the creeps, but you have no idea why. Trust your adaptive unconscious has found something which tripped your internal alarm. Stay from him away. Many victims of attacks say they felt something was wrong afterwards, however they ignored the sensation. Hindsight is 20/20.

    Do that and figuratively literally. For those who have entered an area, one that could be darkened like a cinema especially, find your exits. When you are talking to somebody who enables you to uncomfortable, have a ready excuse to obtain from their website away. Invest the all of the necessary precautions even, you may be the mark of a crime still. Notice I said target rather than victim. Among the best actions you can take would be to carry some form of self-defense weapon. for instance, ironically, even just having it’ll make you not as likely to become a victim as the habit of keeping it prepared to use will automatically cause you to more alert to your surroundings. Have the mindset that you shall not be considered a helpless victim.



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