
    Γιατί να δοκιμάσετε σπιτικά διορθωτικά μέτρα για μολύνσεις ζύμης;

    Candida Albicans is a microscopic fungi that causes yeast infections. It can be found on the skin in the genital and gastrointestinal areas as well as in the vaginal area of women. It is an opportunistic disease. The candida bacteria is kept under control by friendly probiotic bacteria. However, sometimes the balance between these bacteria can be disturbed and the Candida bacteria may multiply unchecked, leading to a yeast infection. They can also spread fungus through the intestinal walls and into the bloodstream.


    This can lead to bacteria, yeast, and partially digested foods being introduced into the body. A yeast infection is twice as likely to develop in a pregnant woman than in a non-pregnant woman. This is due to hormonal changes, increased stress levels, and/or food cravings for foods that have sugar or lower immunity. It is more common in the second trimester.

    Itchy, uncomfortable symptoms include burning and stinging, discharge, and discomfort during sex. A yeast infection can be transmitted to a baby through breast feeding, pregnancy, or birth.


    Thrush can be passed to your baby if it is present at birth. This is an infection of your throat and mouth. Fluconazole (Diflucan) 150mg is usually safe for treating a vaginal yeast infection. However, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), has ordered new labelling to this drug. This warning warns that high or multiple doses (400mg to 800-mg) may increase the risk of birth defects like flat head syndrome, abnormal skull cap development, congenital heart disease, and cleft lip and palate.

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    Prevention is better than treatment! Pregnancy is not a good time to use any anti-fungal or other over-the-counter treatments. They can have negative consequences for the baby and do not help to balance the body so that the yeast infection does NOT occur again. Your unborn child is affected by everything you eat during pregnancy. This condition can be treated holistically, which is the safest and easiest way to fix it.

    It is best to treat it internally and externally. After swimming, change into damp clothes. Consume yoghurt containing lactobacillus acidophilus.


    • Tea tree oil is an effective natural antiseptic that has anti-fungal properties. It can be used to treat yeast infections. It is important to dilute the oil before applying it directly to the skin. To provide relief, you can mix a few drops of the solution with a teaspoonful of olive oil. Then, pour the solution onto a tampon.
    • Garlic is an anti fungal agent and garlic tablets can be a great addition for your diet to fight candida. Garlic can be crushed into a paste and applied directly to a non-vaginal yeast infection. Although the garlic can help to control the infection, the garlic smell can linger.
    • Natural probiotic yogurt is an effective treatment for vaginal yeast infections. Dip a tampon in some yoghurt, and place it in the vagina twice daily. Consuming probiotic yoghurt while taking antibiotics can prevent candida overgrowth. Natural yoghurt contains lactobacillus, which is a good bacteria that is found in the gut and vagina. It helps to keep your vaginal tissues healthy and balanced.
    • Warm baths with cider vinegar can be used to soothe itching and irritation. Although it has been used for centuries as a natural vaginal cleanser, there is now evidence that it can cause damage to the vaginal walls.
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    These natural remedies can help yeast infections in both women and men. You can apply cinnamon oil or cold coconut oil to infected areas multiple times per day. Both oils have anti-fungal properties that kill yeast.



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