
    How To Become Totally Positive?

    The very best and quickest way to better your life is simple: just think more favorably. You’ve probably heard this many times before. It’s true; like a great deal of things in life, getting a “positive” person is an idea that’s simple but not necessarily straightforward.

    Let’s see…

    The objective of this short article is to provide you with some simple and practical methods that can allow you to create positive thinking an automatic and permanent part of your life. Your thought patterns have a enormous influence over all aspects of your life. Your thoughts determine your character, the quality of your relationships, your financial success, your physical health, and much more.

    You probably have an idea of the energy of your thoughts. That you are reading this indicates you are aware that it’s important. But if you are like most people, you grossly underestimate the strong physiological effects your ideas can have. For instance, simply by considering biting into a juicy, yellow lemon you can make your mouth water.

    Chemical changes

    That’s only a little example of how a thought can create chemical changes within the body. The simple fact is that your ideas greatly influence a whole lot more important things than saliva production. Science shows that positive ideas increase your white blood cell count which makes it possible to fight infection and disease.

    In a study recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers at the University of Wisconsin revealed that those who practice positive thinking are better equipped to resist disease. In the analysis, a group of neuroscientists utilized electroencephalography to measure brain activity and then gave each of the subjects flu shots. What they discovered is that positive thinking individuals had a significantly stronger immune response than those who exhibited a negative thought patterns.

    The bottom line

    positive thinking can make you not only happier but healthier also. How Do You Become a Positive Thinker? If you presently have habitual negative thought patterns – and most everybody does – you can learn how to remove them and replace them with positive thought habits. But it won’t happen by itself. You need to make a conscious choice to produce a change. Once you do this – and with the support of a couple of basic techniques – it is actually rather easy to become completely positive.

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    Being happy can make you smile. But does it also work the other way? Can grinning make you happy? Researchers at the University of California in San Francisco have found that mimicking the facial expressions associated with such emotions as happiness, sadness, and anger may activate a number of the exact same physical changes produced by actually feeling these emotions. By measuring a range of biometrics – such as heart rate, body temperature, and the electrical resistance of the skin – they demonstrated that just smiling made the body “happy.”

    Good to know

    Apparently moving facial muscles sends signals to the autonomic nervous system, which controls certain muscle and hormone action. This, in turn, spurs the bodily reactions. So, smile and you will be happy! Now try your smiling experimentation. Put a big smile on your face at this time. You might need to force it at first but do it anyway and see what happens. It’s okay if you’re feeling silly. Let the silliness make you smile even more. As you smile, think of anytime in the past when you felt really happy, positive and joyful.

    We’ve all had experiences in our lives once we’ve felt very positive. Let yourself replay a few of those positive moments at the moment. Let yourself relive feelings of being positive and positive. Continue to smile. Release all cares and worries and with a huge grin on your face, feel yourself getting more and more confident and carefree.

    You have just programmed yourself using a mechanism which you can use to activate these exact same positive ideas and feeling anytime you choose. What you say and the words you choose are extremely important to keeping a positive outlook and eliciting favorable outcomes. For instance, consider the term “do not”. If you call out to a child “Don’t slam the door!” What’s the next sound we typically hear? Bam!! That’s right, the door slamming. It’s as if the child did not hear the “do not.” Only the positive portion of the announcement got through: “Slam the door!” However, if you say “Close the door gently,” that the child will be more inclined to comply. Another harmful word is “can not.”

    What to do?

    Imagine there is a funnel of positive energy flowing in through the top of your head. This positive energy comes from the purist, highest, most inspired source of energy from the world. It makes you feel more alive, stronger, more conscious and alert. The minute it enters your body you feel its own positive, loving, healing effect. You feel it cleansing you of negativity. Washing any past negative programming you’ve experienced. It’s dissolving all the old fears, the older inhibitions, the previous limitations.

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    Feel this positive, loving, healing energy washing off all negative ideas, feelings and images. Feel it releasing your inner power. The power continues to flow in, through your shoulders, hands and arms, your chest, your back, abdomen, hips, feet and legs, reaching every part of your body dissolving all negativity. It’s converting your whole body to healthy positive energy. Imagine all of the negativity flowing from your hands and feet leaving your body filled with only the purest positive energy. If feels really good to free yourself from negativity, it feels really great to be completely positive.


    Practice this visualization every time you would like. Allow the visualization to last as long as you will need to feel revived and purged of all negativity. It’s great when you will need a lift. Life throws all us a lot of curves. Nobody goes through life without difficulties, or without running into obstacles. And a number of those problems or barriers can be huge. But what’s critical is how we confront these obstacles. If we think negatively, we could be overwhelmed, give up or become ineffective in dealing with them.

    But there’s a far better way to manage them. We can opt to search for something positive from the circumstance. We can opt to think about it a blessing in disguise – even when we don’t have any clue what that blessing may be. We can start looking for an advantage or opportunity in any circumstance. As Richard Bach points out in his book Illusions, “There is not any such thing as a problem without a gift in its hands.” And the Chinese word for crisis is composed with two characters. One of these means opportunity.

    Final note

    Rather than imagining a negative end result, envision a positive one! This, too, takes hardly any effort or willpower. Just dwell on this positive result and in no time at all you will be creating the emotions that are associated with that experience. You’ll feel great immediately as a consequence of something that’s merely a thought on your mind. You’ll feel joy, happiness, and self-confidence.

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    Plus, you will be setting up patterns in your head for future positive experiences. So create the worry process work for you instead of against you. Get in the habit of expecting great things. There are quite a few different things you can do to be positive, but this handful of thoughts is a excellent start. Begin today and you will quickly realize what a huge impact they will have on your life.



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