

    Why Being Feminine Rocks?

    Like my headline? I'm a straight, 43 year old girl who's currently enjoying being in her authentic, intuitive, feminine self. Like most women of my generation, I grew up with the view put forward by the feminist, women's-libbers I could have everything. 2) Women can have casual sex like men without suffering physical/mental/emotional consequences.Where is the true? These lies I feel, have caused women to...

    How To Honor Your Inner Goddess?

    Until recently, nearly all women were surrounded by way of a large circle of friends and family members, most of whom were female and most of whom could supply them with not merely encouragement and support, but wise words also, direction, and just a little help throughout the house even.Nowadays But as technology has had over and just about everyone has become a lot more...

    Are there great Tips for Effective Self Defense?

    You might want to defend yourself from an attacker when you are least expecting to be attacked. Being prepared will keep you a step...

    What are Essential Factors in Women’s Self Defense?

    Criminals are more intelligent than we give them credit for when it comes to their choice of victims. They don't typically pick a victim...

    Are there Self Defense Guidelines for Women?

    When you experience guidelines, "a track to perform on" and pointers concerning how exactly to do it, any task gets easier virtually. So when...

    Do Single Moms Sacrifice Their Life To Their Job?

    Most of us were taught to have a profession or occupation of some sort so as to generate money. The most common method is...

    Should Your Children Know You Had An Abortion?

    MUST I Tell My Children I've Had an Abortion? A lot of women who've voluntarily terminated a pregnancy wonder should they should share their...

    What’s The Theory Of Management?

    After World War II American business returned to the peacetime production of consumer products, for which there was unparalleled need and no competition. Untouched...

    Why Is Laughter Important To Your Health?

    We're going to talk about for reasons why laughter is healthy for your body. Laughter enhances our immune system and our general functions. As...

    How To Get A Super Mindpower?

    Ever hear "You can not teach an old dog a new trick?" Well that may be true for dogs, but it's NOT TRUE for...

    What Should You Know About Self Discovery?

    Self discovery is the first step to the path of enlightenment. As I traverse this route, I can surpass and see myself beyond one...

    Things Women Can Do That Men Can’t?

    Ask your partner/husband to wash up and get the children ready for school, cancel the dentist and reserve dinner all before 10am and you're...

    Are You Scare Of A Career Change?

    The "mid-life crisis" is frequently the focus of jokes and derision, but outcomes of psychological research contradict the favorite notion that mid-life crisis results...

    Why Is The Women’s Movement Still Alive?

    In the 1980s - the Reagan years, the ERA had neglected and feminists were dubbed Feminazis by a few. Though, as always, guys were...