
    Headache & Migraine

    What Kind of Headache am I experiencing?

    There are many. Before you reach for the Nurofen, learn what triggers it and how to beat it. 1. Pill popping headache - Do you feel a twinge? It could be the reason, ironically! Experts believe that painkillers like codeine, paracetamol and ibuprofen can cause the body to lose its natural pain barrier. Daily headaches could result from taking more than 30 painkillers per...

    What are the Most Common of Headaches?

    Tension headaches will be the most common kind of headaches. In reality, they take into account almost 90 percent of head aches, afflicting everybody at some point within their lifestyle. the trunk, the eyes, and muscles of the facial skin, tension headaches could cause pain which range from mild to severe. Pressure headaches can final for a half hr, or linger for many days....

    Do I Have Chronic Sinus Headache Or Migraine?

    Many people have problems with chronic sinus headaches. Outward indications of pain, stress, congestion, and irritated eye are common. particularly when over-the-counter discomfort relievers...

    How To Deal With Headaches At Home?

    Who among us hasn't experienced headaches? A headache can be described as a pain that occurs anywhere in the head. Sometimes they can be...

    Do Migraines Increases The Risk Of Getting Strokes?

    Migraines are one of the most common complaints in medicine. It is a common reason for frequent Emergency Room visits. However, most people who...

    What Are Common Triggers Of Migraines?

    Migraines are most common in the teenage years. They also affect more women than men. Migraines can be caused by constricted (tightening of) blood...

    Why I feel a Terrible Headache from Exercising?

    There are several reasons this could happen, but most of them are benign. It could be more serious in rare cases. If you are...

    How To Prevent Headaches?

    To avoid sports headaches, it is important to hydrate properly. Although energy drinks are almost ubiquitous, they all contain caffeine or a caffeine-containing compound...

    Are There Safe Natural Remedies For Migraines?

    Modern medicine has given millions of migraine sufferers many options for relief. Some migraine sufferers opt for the treatment that has no side effects,...

    Are There Natural Home Remedies For Headache Symptoms?

    Headache is one of the most common problems that most people experience at some time. Cephalgia is also known as Headache. It can make...

    What Is The Best Way To Get Rid Of A Migraine?

    Migraine is a chronic neurological disorder that causes sharp pains in the head or parts of the head. The most common symptoms of migraine...

    How To Get Natural Headache Relief?

    Since I was 40 years old, I have suffered from migraine headaches. In the past seven months, I have seen some significant victories in...

    Can Peppermint Essential Oil Treat Headaches?

    For most of my adult life, I have suffered from migraines and headaches. I can recall many miserable days when I didn't want to...

    What To Know About Migraine In Children?

    What if it happens every few weeks? Could it be migraine? Is it possible for children to get migraine? When I was a fourth...