
    How To Trust In My Individuality?

    I’ve been thinking recently about how easy it’s to get bogged down from the busyness of life. As a success coach, I often hear women stressed out about who they think they should be and what they believe they should be doing–in life and in business. I see women entrepreneurs regularly compare themselves to other people –it is a really human characteristic and it is a tough habit to kick.

    You know what?

    It’s incredible how much more you can get from life when you stop and take a second to appreciate that perhaps you’re doing and being exactly who and what you need to. I had a meeting this morning with a new business colleague, and it was amazing to hear him describe what he believed to be the very best portion of my website. He responded to the specific part of my website which I feared was not exciting enough (as I contrasted my site to other people I’ve seen).

    I released a very major sigh of relief upon hearing the “touchy feely,” spiritual side of myself proven to be the best in communicating my targets. This is extremely true in business, but it’s also true in your private life. I recently befriended a young girl named Betsy who turns 30 in a couple of days.

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    Betsy explained to me that when she hits 30, she intends to attempt to reign in her character because she feels like compared to “everyone else,” she comes across as too overbearing. I talked through this with Betsy and let her see her own unique “big” character is precisely what brings others to her and she is loved by her friends and loved ones. Altering her character because she feels like she’s “supposed” to behave a certain way would mean living her life in an unauthentic way.

    Take Note

    • Don’t second guess yourself. You’re likely on the ideal path for you.
    • Let your freak flag fly! Basically, your uniqueness is what’s going to draw other exceptional, life-enriching people to you.
    • Remove the term “should” from your vocabulary. It provides too much power/importance to other men and women. Instead concentrate on the word “want” — what you “need”to do, how you”want”to live.
    • Pick one individual in your life who remains really true to themselves and model that quality in your own life.
    • Take some time for YOU and compose a list of your ten best qualities. If your best friend were to write them out, what could she or he say?
    • Connect to your spiritual self–you were made the way you are for a reason. Time to embrace the real you.
    • Get over yourself-the good news is, you are just like the rest of us, first, unique, and perfect just as we are.


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