
    What are Common Headache Types?

    There are many types of headaches. Cervicogenic headaches are the most common. Cervicogenic headaches are far more common than migraine headaches which account for less that 10% of all headaches. A victim should not attempt to diagnose themselves due to the variety of headaches. The best treatment depends on a correct diagnosis.


    Treatment for migraine headaches may include dietary changes along with other treatments, while treatment for tension and cervicogenic headaches can be helped by soft tissue therapy and chiropractic adjustments. Cervicogenic headaches are, as the name implies, caused by misalignment, poor posture, improper position, or other issues in the neck.

    The neck is the narrowest part and has the responsibility of carrying the head. It performs best when all the pieces are in place.

    Correct Structure

    The correct structure is what you need in this instance. An x-ray is the best way to determine the exact structure and position of your neck. This will allow you to determine key features such as joint angles, curve angles and the presence of degenerative conditions. Orthopedic tests can also be used to assess the quality of the neck’s structure. These tests should be very specific and should rule out unrelated issues.

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    These are the first steps to properly diagnose and treat headaches. Headaches are a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Headaches can be so debilitating for the victim. They can’t concentrate and are often unable to do their daily tasks. It becomes more difficult to get through your daily routine when you are suffering from headaches. This creates a vicious circle of frustration and pain.

    Cervicogenic Headaches

    These are characterized by a pounding pain in the neck, head, and sometimes the pre-orbital (behind your eyes) region. These types of headaches can be managed with a series chiropractic sessions. If a proper diagnosis has been made, a doctor of chiropractic should move the treatment from acute care (removing the patient from their pain state) to rehabilitation (actively changing the structure) and finally to maintenance (infrequent visits to ensure that the neck structure is not being compromised by lingering habits). This strategy is proven to be successful and will make a significant difference in your quality life.

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