
    Ist Dirt Actually Good For You?

    A Group of U.S.. That dirt is good for kids and you should be permitted to get dirty so they are exposed to germs in the environment. Super clean hands were actually shown to interfere with the capacity to cure because the normal bacteria that live in your skin are not there to stop inflammation after an accident, maintaining cuts and grazes from swelling.

    Let’s understand it

    Is it that our focus on germ proofing our planet may be hurting us instead? This study confirming maternal instincts appears in the online edition of Nature Medicine. Looking in mice and human cells, the team found that the benign bacteria accomplished this by creating a molecule called lipoteichoic acid or LTA which acts on keratinocytes, the principal kinds of cells found in the outer layer of skin.

    The LTA appears to maintain those keratinocytes in check, preventing them from mounting an overly aggressive inflammatory reaction to an injury. The outcomes of the work provide support for the “hygiene hypothesis” that has been floated since 1989, suggesting exposure to germs during early childhood helps protect the body from allergies. It would appear that the millions of germs and viruses that enter the body help spur the growth of a strong, healthy immune system.

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    There’s even research going on now that indicates the worms living in backyard variety dirt might really help divert an immune system that’s not functioning correctly. Though they may make you squirm, experts assure us that many worms are harmless to well nourished men and women. There are people who attribute the current obsession on cleanliness (notice all of the anti-bacterial wipes, lotions and soaps out there?) For the upswing in allergies in developed countries.

    The increasing rates of autoimmune ailments and asthma also have been associated with a failure to expose our young kids to ordinary, regular dirt, encouraging the immune system to turn inward – on itself. A spokeswoman for Allergy UK affirms, “Rates of allergy have tripled in the UK in the last ten years. One in three people now has some sort of allergy.” They confirm that there is an increasing body of evidence that exposing children to germs is a fantastic thing, but still more study is required. Experts like Dr. Joel V. Weinstock, the director of gastroenterology and hepatology at Tufts Medical Center in Boston believe that the immune system at birth is similar to an unprogrammed computer that requires instruction.


    While public health efforts like cleaning up polluted food and water have saved the lives of many children in poor nations, they have also reduced the exposure to organisms which may be helpful for our young folks. How can you do this in today’s super-sanitized world?

    • Let children play in the dirt.
    • Wash using regular soap, not the antibacterial kind.
    • Get a lot of sleep, drink plenty of fluids, eat well and avoid as much stress as possible.
    • Don’t obsess about cleanliness, realize that dirt is good for you.
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