
    Do You Have PCOS And Are Tired All The Time?

    Have PCOS and Tired All the Time? If you suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome and autoimmune thyroiditis, you’re probably exhausted a lot of the time. You’re not alone! One study showed that 40 percent of women with PCOS also have autoimmune thyroiditis.

    The numbers

    Women with PCOS are six and a half times more likely to have autoimmune thyroid disorder than women without PCOS, according to a study in the March 2004 European Journal of Endocrinology. In a 2001 report in the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society, German researcher Dr. Roland Gaertner indicated that the increased risk of autoimmune thyroiditis in women with PCOS may be connected to low progesterone levels.

    Gaertner indicated that low progesterone in women with polycystic ovarian cysts could lead to overstimulation of the immune system. This might also explain the higher risk of inflammation and other autoimmune disorder in women with PCOS. Thyroid hormones are important to virtually every significant function in your system. They affect your cardiovascular system, metabolism, metabolism and vitality levels.

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    PCOS Tests

    Ensure that your doctor does a complete thyroid evaluation alongside your PCOS tests. Be certain they test your thyroid gland in addition to your own TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) levels. I spent years begging doctors to assist me with all the crushing fatigue I lived with. They kept telling me I had an antidepressant.

    I finally saw a great endocrinologist who tested my thyroid gland and found them to be so high that the test couldn’t register a last number. When I began taking thyroid replacement hormones my entire life changed. Suddenly I could do things like go to the supermarket without having a rest afterwards.

    Ensure that your physician is using the NEW TSH criteria also. Many, many women are told they don’t have a thyroid problem when actually they DO have reduced thyroid under the new recommendations. It’s especially important to receive your thyroid checked if you’re trying to conceive. Low thyroid levels can lead to infertility. If you’re successful in getting pregnant, ensure that your doctor closely monitors your thyroid level as low thyroid levels may also result in difficulties with the growing fetus.


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