
    Är hormonersättningsterapi bra för klimakteriet?

    Hormone Replacement Therapy Still Good For Menopause? Hormone replacement therapy, now more popularly called hormone treatment, use to be medical worlds standard treatment for all those women experiencing hot flashes and other side effects of experiencing menopause.

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    They also thought it may help prevent osteoporosis and even cardiovascular disease. In 2002 however; the heads of many in the health care field changed when they saw the results of a clinical evaluation.

    What the evaluation found is that the hormone replacement therapy might actually be causing much more health dangers than benefits. Those who took the hormone replacement therapy were given estrogen and progestin. This treatment would alleviate some of the symptoms of menopause which makes life easier for the girls going through a challenging menopause.

    The long term prescriptions for this are seldom given today, on occasion though, women are given the treatment for short term. If the hormone replacement therapy is provided short term, there still may be some health benefits. Over short intervals, doctors have discovered it may help lessen the odds of getting osteoporosis.

    If used moderately, the hormone treatment may still have the ability to reduce the chance of developing pancreatic cancer. Heart disease risk can be reduced if estrogen is given in the first phase of postmenopausal years but not during the whole cycle of menopause.

      Behandlar rödklöver symptomen på klimakteriet?

    Long term use of this treatment actually increased the danger of cardiovascular disease in women who took the actual therapy. Breast cancer seemed to increase with long term usage. Strokes increased in girls that took the very long term therapy. There were also an increase in false positive mammograms. On the other hand, if women only took estrogen didn’t appear to have an increase in cardiovascular disease or breast cancer, but; they did have an increase in strokes, blood clots in their legs and an increase in abnormal mammograms.

    What if…?

    If your menopausal symptoms are much greater than the danger, you should speak with your physician if these things are bothering you the most. If you’ve got severe hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms which are interfering with daily life. It’s been discovered that you’ve lost bone mass and you’ve stopped having your period until age forty. If you notice any of the aforementioned situations, it may be advisable for you to think about the treatment anyway. Your physician will be able to identify whether or not what you’re having is intense enough to start you on the hormone treatment. Compounding pharmacists are professionals with technical and trusted expertise in the health care field. Among the very best within their sector, they have knowledge of processes like the Bioidentical Hormone Replacement, or better called the BHRT.


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