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    Ce sunt fibroamele de sarcină?

    Does the increase of intrauterine fibroids hamper a woman getting pregnant? The solution is”no”; they do not generally obstruct pregnancy. In actuality, the existence of these kinds of fibroids in many of the cases, is often detected for the first time during regular pregnancy examination.

    Uterine fibroids

    Except for some uneasiness and distress, the conception is typically a smooth affair. It is however, necessary to keep your eye on the development of the uterine fibroids to be able to make sure that there isn’t any adverse impact on the fetus. Pregnancy Encourages Fibroid Growth! The estrogen level during pregnancy is higher than the level before pregnancy; the elevated amount is known to encourage faster growth of the intrauterine fibroidsnonetheless, that the progress of the pregnancy isn’t known to be affected by their presence.

    On the contrary, since the amount of the estrogen fall following the pregnancy, the size of the fibroids decrease to earlier measurements. Rare as it is, uterine fibroids may affect a pregnancy when their growth is close to the neck of the uterus or in near proximity to the fallopian tubes. This may result in distortion(s) in fallopian tube(s) or bloated interior area of the uterus that, in turn, may obstruct implantation or lead to a miscarriage. Slight pain because of fibroids isn’t uncommon; acute pain may involve remedies like myectomy or embolization supplied the fibroid growths may be accessible. Also, these options are secure before pregnancy, otherwise the individual should look at natural recovery programs.

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    Tratament natural

    This is a system where a combination of diet, herbal supplementation, exercise, etc is used to help the body fight off the fibroid growth. The treatment depends upon shrinking the development of uterine fibroids by elevating the amount of phytoestrogen – an antidote to higher estrogen level. This program also includes consumption of lots of water (at least 8 to 10 glasses daily ) for cleansing the body of toxic accumulation which, otherwise, may encourage fibroid growth. As the patient starts to feel more comfortable, conception becomes a distinct possibility.


    At the price of being persistent, it has to be noted that surgical intervention for fibroid treatment during pregnancy should be avoided. Acquire as much information as possible about intrauterine fibroids, particularly about how to maintain the growths under control throughout the pregnancy – there are loads of resources online.



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