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    The question about sebum is, even if it’s so significant, why would anybody want to bind it with clay? The solution is that, although sebum is crucial, it may be too much of a fantastic thing. Overproduction of sebum contributes to oily skin. Among the most common symptoms caused by oily skin is acne.

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    Additionally, excess sebum may unite with keratin (skin debris) to make plugs in pores, resulting in the formation of whiteheads or blackheads. Clay is a phrase that describes fine-grained soils with a blend of certain minerals and metal oxides, together with a small amount of trapped moisture. Together they form various combinations of what geologists call layered silicates. There are over two dozen major sorts of clay.

    Clay use

    Clays have a long history of industrial, medical, and agricultural applications. Up to four billion people globally live or work in buildings made out of clay. Clay as medicine originated in ancient times, when it was taken internally for soothing upset stomachs and to suppress appetite.

    Kaolin clay (also referred to as white clay, white soil, or white chalk), is still taken orally because of its health benefits while pregnant. In South America kaolin clay remains consumed as a way to bind with toxins in wild celery. Another type clay, known as bentonite clay, is also an important ingredient in several nutritional supplements for helping digestion. The flexibility of different clays contains their applications in organic skincare products. The most significant of those uses is the ability to reduce problems associated with sebum overproduction.

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    Scientists have discovered that bentonite is such a potent sebum absorbent it can be used for measuring sebum secretion. The overall method entails embedding a disc of fine Dacron mesh in new clay, then employing the disc to the forehead for up to 3 hours. Secretion rate is represented by the quantity of sebum extracted from these disks. This system indicates that those with acne have a three-fold higher rate of sebum secretion compared to people without acne.

    This sort of study points to a high sebum secretion rate as the overriding element in inflammatory acne. The use of bentonite clay for analyzing sebum secretion demonstrates how beneficial it is for binding to sebum. This binding affinity is the underlying cause of adding bentonite clay from organic skincare products for oily or skin that is moisturizing. Focus on sebum secretion shows a range of processes that interact together.

    Nota finale

    Removing mobile debris, oxidizing triglycerides, and balancing microbe levels are the principal ones. Excess sebum creates an imbalance in each these processes, which becomes evident when acne flares up. Removing excess sebum is an important element for restoring healthy skin, even though it’s not the only one. It’s equally important to provide antioxidants for controlling the degradation of triglycerides and for quenching the inflammatory reaction of the immune system when it reacts to bacterial growth.

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    The combination of procedures that go haywire with too much sebum illustrates the need for many ingredients in skincare products that support skin health. The most effective natural skin care products should therefore include not just clay but also herbs that supply the needed antioxidants and other ingredients for stimulating the metabolism of skin. Good examples of these herbs include green tea, Artemisia, mulberry and several other herbs that are known for their benefits to skin health.


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