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    Apa yang Harus Anda Ketahui Tentang Menyusui?

    Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape or form, judging other mommas who made different decisions than me. The best way to feed your baby is a personal choice so please do not think I'm judging any other momma. We've got enough people judging us as it is for the parenting choices we all make.Breastfeeding Allow me to start off by saying that breastfeeding isn't...

    Bagaimana Cara Menyusui Bayi Prematur Anda?

    The very best food that you could provide a premature baby may be the breast milk from its mother. Many mothers who've a premature baby are frightened that they can struggle to produce enough milk to feed their baby, since their baby early came.Did you know? Oftentimes, it really is only the truth that they go through this emotional stress in addition to physical drain,...

    Bagaimana Cara Menyusui Bayi Anda?

    BERIKAN WAKTU ISTIRAHAT ANDA. Pada akhirnya, menyusui ditambah operasi yang jauh dari bayi Anda bukanlah cara menyusui yang seharusnya. Pelajaran...

    Mengapa Anda Harus Menyusui Anak Anda?

    Menyusui bayi Anda adalah sebuah pilihan dan semua ibu tunggal perlu menentukan cara yang sudah terbukti atau mungkin cara lain. Ini adalah ...