
    Υπάρχουν ασφαλείς συσκευές αυτοάμυνας για γυναίκες;

    Safety alarms, hidden cameras or security guards don’t guarantee security. Today, we’re confronted by the fact that crimes can occur anytime, anywhere even when we’re surrounded with safety apparatus and armed personnel. Anybody can be a victim. We need to take care of the fact that women have more chances of being a victim of these inhuman acts by violent and sadistic individuals, than men do.


    The delicate image of a lady makes her easy bait for offenders, because of this self-defense is crucial for every woman. In this violent environment, everyone, particularly women, must take extra care to remain protected and secure in this tumultuous world. It’s excellent to know there are actually a great deal of self-defense devices available in the marketplace today which can be conveniently utilized by girls. For instance, a stun gun is an easy to use gadget that comes in a variety of sizes and forms.

    It’s a hand-held device that utilizes high power voltage to impede an attacker. The prongs of the stun gun can quickly immobilize an aggressor. It can cause severe pain and muscle control reduction, also. Along with this, this self-defense tool may set off loss of equilibrium and a confounded condition into the attacker, which will permit the victim to escape within a few minutes.

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    Σπρέι πιπεριού

    On the other hand, another self-protection apparatus which may be used by women is a can of pepper spray. This is truly a remarkably popular non-lethal tool that could effectively stop an assailant very quickly. Pepper sprays are also quite handy to carry. They may be suspended from key chains, lipstick or several other disguised packaging. A woman can spray an attacker in the face or straight into his eyes. . It can result in momentary loss of sight or difficulty in breathing.

    The impacts of the self-defense gadget can last 20 to 45 minutes, providing enough time to allow the sufferer to run off. Furthermore, a taser gun can also be recommended as an effective self-defense apparatus for girls of any age. One excellent feature of the taser is its ability to knock down the assailant, while still keeping a safe distance. This weapon uses electric shock which could cause extreme soreness to the invader. Also, another advantage of using this self-defense tool is that women can easily hide this gadget.

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    It’s convenient to transport and it can provide immediate protection against attackers. It’s a dangerous world out there and sadly, girls are more inclined to the attacks of irrational beings. Self-defense apparatus are necessary resources so that each girl can keep herself procured. It’s really a good idea for women to arm themselves against any potential danger that they might encounter on the way. Women must at all times keep a careful attitude and be equipped with devices that can aid them in times of danger.

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