
    Ποια είναι η σχέση μεταξύ εγκυμοσύνης και ημικρανίας;

    Experts have long debated the topic of migraine and pregnancy. One school of thought believes that migraine attacks are caused by an increase in hormone levels (oestrogen, progesterone) during pregnancy. Others disagree with this theory and believe that hormonal level is the main factor. This group states that migraine attacks can be influenced by pregnancy, menstruation and contraception.


    This article will examine all symptoms of migraine attack in pregnant women and their root causes and the dangers they pose to the baby and the mother. Migraine is a medical condition that is characterized by severe headache symptoms. Migraine is a medical condition that causes severe headaches. It does not respond to headache treatments.

    The symptoms are usually a sharp, throbbing pain in the temples. Statistics show that 15 percent of women who are pregnant experience migraines. This is due to hormonal replacement therapy, lack or too much sleep, voluntary abstinence from eating, bright light, strong odours, hormonal changes during menstruation and pregnancy, stress and anxiety and too much caffeine.

      Υπάρχουν θεραπείες ιγμορίτιδας που δεν βασίζονται σε φάρμακα;


    Studies have shown that migraines without aura improve in pregnant women after three months, while aura type may continue until birth. ISN’T THERE A RISK IN PREGNANCY MIGRAINE? There is no known danger. In severe cases, it can cause blurred vision. Other symptoms include headaches for hours that cause discomfort and fever.

    Pregnant mothers are advised to take time for themselves to deal with stress and strain. Biofeedback. I.e. Learning to control stress through your body’s responses to stress. These women should not buy prescription drugs if they suffer from migraine.



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