
    标记。 慢性头痛

    How does Friocard care for Cardiovascular Health?

    High blood pressure (arterial hypertension) is a widespread disease characterized by permanently high pressure in the blood vessels. This high pressure starts at 140/90 mmHg. In the long term, high blood pressure damages the blood vessels and thus contributes to the development of secondary diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. With high blood pressure (hypertension), the blood pressure values are permanently too high....

    痛风。什么是痛风,如何用Fyron G1+G2治疗?

    痛风的特点是关节内有过量的尿酸盐结晶。你看不到也感觉不到这些晶体,但医生可以用针从关节处抽取一些液体,在显微镜下观察。如果存在尿酸盐结晶,你就患有痛风。 在本频道中,你将了解更多关于这一主题的信息。痛风的家庭治疗方法痛风的区别是什么...
