
    How Affects Menopause The Libido?

    The menopause and libido are connected because girls undergo a change in their libido on the coming of the menopause. What’s the definition of menopause? The menopause is the end of fertility in a woman. It’s when a female’s ovaries cease their production of the hormone estrogen and lead to a thinning of the uterine lining.


    Ovulation will go on to completely stop. The menopause is a totally natural stage for a middle aged woman to go through and you should not be alarmed about it. Women can be thought of as technically at the menopause condition after an period of lack of ovulation that lasts for at least one year. Women almost all report a decrease in sex at the moment of their lives.

    Given that this indicates the end of the fertile phase in a woman’s life, it is hardly surprising that the menopause reduces libido. Other symptoms include vaginal dryness, reduction of vaginal tissue and mood changes; all caused by the decrease in estrogen production. First of all, understand that it is normal to suffer from a diminished sexual desire and inability to generate love as often as you used to.

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    Good to know!

    Secondly, there are ways to stimulate your libido during menopause and maintain a reasonably busy love life. This is excellent news for those undergoing a libido mismatch in their relationship. The key reproductive hormone in females is Estrogen. This is what promotes female libido during mid-cycle. Low levels of estrogen during menopause contribute to loss of libido and decreased sexual desire.

    What many women do not understand is that low levels of testosterone can also lead to lost libido. Testosterone is crucial for keeping the hormonal equilibrium optimal within your body. And low testosterone levels can occur to women at any age, young or middle-aged.

    Testosterone levels

    Low levels of testosterone in women can occur for two major reasons. Mainly, menopause and medication are responsible for weakening the libido. Ladies do not have the exact levels of testosterone as men, but they still have some. That’s why when levels are low, having female libido testosterone is vital for helping sexual desire and libido levels return to normal. Testosterone, believe it or not, is equally as essential for the female sex drive as it is for the man. Among the effects of the menopause is that testosterone levels in women’s bodies are reduced. Its absence is another of the main causes behind decreased libido .

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