
    What Is The Best Self-Defense Tool For Women?

    Runt Rechargeable 4.5 Million Volt Stun Gun – The Best Self-Defense Tool for Women? A good deal of people are stating that a stun gun is the best self-defense tool for girls. With only a press of a button, you can surprise your attacker and drop him into the floor. He’ll be completely stunned and that will provide you an opportunity to run away and request support.

    Good to know

    A good deal of people are saying that this is the best alternative for a woman who is searching for a stun gun. It’s easy to see why this is true. After all, women have particular self-defense needs. Women are usually smaller than men so it does not make sense for a woman to bring something enormous. A little self-defense weapon works best so you will be encouraged to bring it with you all of the time. After all, you might not need to lug around something that’s the size of a tablet computer? Besides, concealment things as well since you wish to benefit from the element of surprise.

    A small stun gun such as the Runt Rechargeable 4.5 Million Volt Stun Gun can easily fit in the palm of your hands and your attacker would not know what hit him. If you use something which lacks power, you are only going to create your attacker madder. However, too much electricity can kill your attacker and you do not need that as well. You only need to incapacitate him and 4.5 million volts of electricity is simply perfect. Speaking of power, you also must think about its source.

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    Did you know?

    Most stun guns run on batteries that’s fine until you understand that you’re out of batteries and a person’s coming for you. On the other hand, something like the Runt Rechargeable 4.5 Million Volt Stun Gun takes out the guesswork out of batteries as you can just charge it frequently using a normal US socket. Unfortunately, there are a few places wherein mere possession of stun guns isn’t allowed. This is the reason it’s recommended that you check local laws. After all, you are going to use it to prevent crimes from being perpetrated on you. You wouldn’t want to commit a crime yourself. Take these things into account and think about having a Runt Rechargeable 4.5 Million Volt Stun Gun.


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