
    Do Sinus Home Remedies Work?

    You knew it. Sinus infection is when your sinuses become clogged with icky mucus. Also, your nasal inflammation is increasing. If you have the flu, colds, or have allergic reactions to certain foods, you will know that you have a sinus infection. You may also experience headaches around your head, eyes, and face. You may also feel sick. Your breathing becomes difficult and you have difficulty swallowing.

    Home Remedies

    There are many sinus home remedies you can use to relieve the symptoms.

    • One way to inhale is to place 1 tsp black cumin seeds in a cotton cloth. You can also add 1 tsp cayenne to a cup of hot water, and have it three times per day.
    • A good sinus remedy is to add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to 1/2 cup of boiling water in a bowl. Inhale the steam for 10-15 minutes and then cover your head with a towel or blanket.
    • To make your sinuses feel better, you can put a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil on your hanky. Make a nasal inhaler using 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp baking powder and 1 pint of water. Inhale the mixture.
    • Hot tea with herbs such as fennel, anise, or sage is another effective sinus remedy. This can help to soften the mucus and keep it flowing.
    • Blowing one nostril at the time can help prevent pressure buildup in the ears. Otherwise, we are only sending bacteria back to the sinuses. To relieve pressure, press your thumbs on either side.
    • To open your sinuses, you can add Garlic and onions to your soup. These foods are believed to soften mucus, making it less sticky.
    • To reduce inflammation and discomfort caused by membrane inflammation, you can add fresh basil to a cup of water.
    • If taken regularly, spinach and carrot juice can be used as a sinus remedy. Thymol and camphor oils can help open blocked passages.
    • You can also apply a warm cloth to your eyes for soothing relief.
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    These are just a few of the sinus home remedies you can try. If symptoms persist, consult your doctor immediately. Keep your health in check. Keep healthy.



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