
    Why Are Today Ancient Goddess Stories Essential?

    Lots of people have heard or read Greek and Roman goddess myths in literature classes or within modern fiction. Yet a lot of us are completely unacquainted with the a large number of goddess stories which have been told in cultures all over the world from the few millennia ago to present day.


    These whole stories have persisted since they have important lessons about basic human needs and conditions. In addition they open our hearts to recognizing the significance of the divine feminine spirit in a global often dominated by masculine energy. When I first began leading sets of women and girls to explore ancient feminine myths (so many moons ago!), I was amazed at the depth of value and meaning we within these remarkable stories.

    Layer upon layer of understanding resulted in personal growth and reflection. Each girl and every woman linked to a different area of the whole story. Sometimes it had been a specific character along with other times the positioning in which a whole story occurred; and in several instances, it had been an animal or another non-human aspect to the complete story. Hearing a myth told by way of a “carrier” of the stories who has known and loved that story and pondered its meaning as time passes is particularly delicious!

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    We’ve an innate link with these myths, bound by loving threads in a nurturing sisterhood that transcends time and space.

    • We are able to find out about the values of lands we might never visit and folks we might never know – yet they hold Universal Truths that could be applied to our very own individual lives. When Kuan Yin’s father wants her to marry for social status, Kuan Yin chooses to check out her heart right into a destined path of service instead.
    • We are able to note that even probably the most proficient amongst us encounters challenges (for goddesses often possess super-powers, yet they still face challenges) in fact it is through those challenges they (and we) are shaped in to the absolute best yet-to-be. Rhiannon, the Celtic goddess of horses and birds, experienced an extraordinary challenge which, in the final end, gave her strength never to discount her belief in herself ever.
    • We learn that human emotions will be the same no real matter what the culture or where or if they are felt. We must continue sometimes, understanding that “this too shall pass.” Imanja, Brazilian goddess of the ocean is called “she who endures,” because she was brought from Africa with the slave trade and continued to steer her people because they struggled through more than 100 years of mistreatment.
    • Goddess stories offer us great types of a moral feminine code to call home by. When Amaterasu is disrespected by her brother Susanowo repeatedly, rather than lashing out she retreats right into a cave to obtain others to do this. In the final end, Amaterasu, the Shinto Sun Goddess gets a whole large amount of attention as the withdrawal of her beautiful light is sorely missed! I’ve shared these whole stories with special needs girls, daughters and mothers, and women felons in the county jail. And without a doubt a complete story!


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