
    How To Get Front And Center In My Life?

    We’re all working on our New Year’s Intentions. I’ve spoken to a number of girls who have written out their career objectives, their family objectives and personal targets. But often times that which we call personal goals aren’t really personal goals because we tend to leave ourselves out of these.

    Did you know?

    I’ve discovered that lots of women are reluctant to star in their own life’s story. We make everybody else the celebrity in our stories and we’re somewhere in the wallpapers. But this is your life. This is your story and you deserve to be front and centre in it. You have earned the major part in your own life’s story. When are you going to stop playing with the stand in or the supporting function?

    We organize ourselves around everybody else’s life, such as our children, our husbands, our professions and leave ourselves entirely out. We hold a place for everybody else’s brilliance and for everybody else to shine. But who is holding the space for you? It’s time that you start the star on your story. One reason we stay behind the scenes is because we’re afraid of the spotlight. The spotlight not only enables us to shine, but additionally, it shines on and shows our weak places.

    Take note

    But I have a news flash for you. It’s okay to show your wounds. The last person who showed us his wounds, literally changed the world. That man was Jesus!

    • Learn the script. We all come into this world with a sacred script which has been written for us by our Creator. Then our parents throughout their rearing us, kind of rewrote that script. It’s our job as adults to re-discover what the script said and start directing that in our own lives. We can do it through a great deal of spiritual work like meditation, stillness and prayer. Make these practices part of your everyday life and watch your initial script unfold for you. Understanding who you are and what you’re here to do is everything you will soon find as your initial script.
    • Treat yourself like a celebrity. You’ve heard the stories of actors who get the celebrity treatment. Begin to see yourself as precious as the highest paid actress. Treat yourself good by eating right, exercising, investing in personal growth programs, getting proper rest and grinning. You need to find the value on your own until the world will. When you treat yourself as a celebrity, so will the entire world. Love yourself more deeply and observe what happens.
    • Walk on your leading role. As a leading woman in your life, you have to take centre stage. Nobody looks for the celebrity of a broadway play at the corner stage. She’s always front and centre and has the most lines. You get to talk for yourself, nobody can do this for you. Learn how to say “no” to others if you will need to. Learn how to say “yes” to yourself frequently. Stop hiding behind the scenes, it is time to get front and center. The spotlight is on you top woman. ! Begin to realize your value and your actual worth. God made you perfect just the way you’re. As you align with this true person and learn how to value and appreciate your value, something magical will happen. The world around you will take notice and the good in life will start to appear and life for you may become blissful and joyous. Simply, because you chose to go front and center to stand at the major role of your life.
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