

    Did You Know These Facts About American Women?

    From 1993 to 1996, Madeleine Albright, who speaks Czech, English, French, Russian and polish, served as U.S. US. In this era, she was mostly of the female ambassadors in the US, alongside Claudia Fritsche (Liechtenstein), Akmaral Arystanbekova (Kazhkstan), Louise Fréchette (Canada) and Annete del Iles (Trinidad & Tobago).Take note In NEW YORK, the entrance was supported by her of Eastern Europe to the OTAN. In...

    Is The Rise Of Womanhood Now?

    What do I mean by increase of womanhood? Before getting into the specifics of the question let me greet you. Hi how are you? I am positive you must do well and you have to be feeling extremely happy and content from deep inside. You understand even I am feeling just the same.What is happening? That's the way most of us should feel as that...

    What are the Effects of Sexual Assault?

    Sexual assault can haunt a person for their life. When a victim survives this sort of attack, it may take years of therapy for...

    What to know about Sexual Assault Awareness?

    April is Sexual Assault Awareness. Month we believe we ought to be familiar with sexual assaults every. Based on the U.S. Department of Justice...

    How to avoid becoming a Victim of Sexual Assault?

    Sexual assault prevention begins with being conscious of your surroundings. In articles I discussed observation and curiosity as safety tips earlier. Both curiosity and...

    How Do You Like Your Eggs?

    How Do You Like Your Eggs? Sorry. Fertile isn't on the breakfast menu. My married friend, Mary, is feeling clucky. So is my next...

    What to Know about Graphene Oxide?

    Known as the thinnest and toughest material that can be found on earth, graphene oxide (GO) has become more popular not because of its...

    What are the Hazards of Graphene found in FFP2 Masks?

    Various medical unions in different hospitals and workplaces in our country have asked their managements to immediately withdraw all FFP2 masks whose composition contains...

    What are the Potential Hazards of Graphene?

    It has been described as a "miracle material" and its inventors received the Nobel Prize, but there are already some studies that warn about...

    Is Graphene a Hazard?

    Graphene has arrived at just the right time to meet the needs of nanotechnology. With extraordinary properties that have surprised researchers over the last...

    What is Graphene Dark Side?

    The famous nanomaterial graphene is made up of sheets of carbon only one atom thick. In addition to being the strongest material ever tested,...

    Isn’t Graphene Dangerous?

    Graphene is composed of a layer of carbon the thickness of an atom. It is flexible, ultra-thin, self-healing, extremely resistant and capable of conducting...

    Why should Women learn Self Defense?

    Anyone can sit down and watch the news on a particular day or turn the radio on and watch still another instance of an...

    What Can a Woman do to Protect her Safety?

    Any woman will get herself in times where she actually is worried about her safety. We believe that the proper is had by every...