Plus d'informations

    Le cœur sur la main

    I would like to start with this statement. Women are Crusaders’ they’re the newest Pioneers in Society. Things that women are proven to crusade about are, the women’s vote, women’s equality, Health issues and the list continues. We have the ability to recognize a situation where we know we could have effect, adopt the solution and urge the shift. We’re able to bond and bind together and become one voice.


    As women we’ve taken our place in society and established ourselves as a force to be reckoned with. Our influence was felt with women’s equality issues, within business and women’s health difficulties. We genuinely care; we nurture our families, friends, co-workers and workers. We’re capable of making decisions, important decisions. Today we buy or influence the purchase of almost 80 percent of all consumer products, including big ticket automobiles, financial services as well as the computers.

    Women in business have increased by over 42 percent in the past ten years and we now have more than 7 million female business owners in North America alone. Something to notice we also create most the decisions regarding health-care for our families. Consider this as we proceed. Today I want to invite you to look at some new ideas. I mean to provoke thought, influence some conclusions and ask you to consider becoming part of an organization, which will take you a girl, and a number of your friends and acquaintances on a new experience; a job that will add excitement.

    Se souvenir

    This is going to be a new assignment for each of us, we’ll have a single voice which has the potential to dwarf the effect any other assignment women have adopted in recent history. Here are a couple of points for you to look at. Today we’ve impacted the results of Breast Cancer by means of a vision of education and early detection. The reason we see such high healing rates for women diagnosed with Breast Cancer is the effort women found themselves on teaching each other on the value of prevention, early detection, and effective treatment. Women took control and advocated for each other and changed the face of the disease forever. Women are getting more self-empowered, responsible and successful in business.

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    We’ve shown ourselves to have the essential intelligence, abilities, savvy, and drive to take our place at the front offices and corporate boardrooms of the highly competitive and demanding international business world. We’re a segment of the populace that’s on the move and setting ourselves as a significant force within the business world of tomorrow. Having read all this let us talk about something which is impacting women at the moment and some very frightening facts every woman should know. 1 killer of men and women is Heart Disease. It kills over 1.5 million people each year. 50% of the ones that die; if they’re guys have had no warning. 64% of those women that die had no symptoms. No warning! And do you know what’s really scary most women don’t have any idea of the dangers, and do little if anything about it.


    Dr. Gerald Bresnahan among the leading Cardiologists in North America states, that each and every individual of his experiences a heart attack is really surprised, it does not matter what their health condition is, it does not matter what there symptoms or warning signs , they’re surprised it happened to them. Do you know your risks; do you know how things like High Blood Pressure Diabetes and Weight affect these dangers? Do you recognize the dangers of your mother, sister, daughters, sons, dad, brother or the danger of your husband? Do you know that we’ve got the equivalent of a 9-11 regular here in North America with people dieing of cardiovascular disease? Every 30 minutes someone dies of a Heart Attack in North America. 17.5 million people died worldwide in 2005 and it’s predicted that this number increases to 20 million by 2010. Do theses statistics inspire ideas of ‘What is happening?

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    Do you think you might be one of these special women who may want to handle a mission and crusade that would have impact on society on a whole and as you’re educating offer safe and real solutions? Are you aware that despite the headway girls have made in business that many girls will end their lives in poverty? More than 1/2 of girls who are live with incomes below the poverty line. I know you know girls in that circumstance. If you were able to prevent this, or help some one else avert this would you? I ask you to join a movement, an opportunity to educate, and provide solutions for men and women to avoid the main cause of death worldwide right here at home in North America.

    Le mot de la fin

    Women together can do the exact same for heart disease as we did for breast cancer. Do you want to participate and assist girls with a hand up to secure their financial future? Giving them chance, that is inspirational and rewarding to help in their own self-empowerment. Opportunities open to girls from all walks of life, where we can teach and guide to a better place in their lives. The skills, and ability that you will need to achieve this is a real caring and passionate interest in impacting the health of women; the drive and discipline to establish objectives and hold yourself accountable to reaching your targets; and a sincere intention of encouraging, training and mentoring to the best of your skill other girls and men like yourself who have the desire to secure their health and financial future while experiencing true effect on society and living a life of prosperity and purpose. Join others and me in this effort, be part of this new single voice for changing the face of health and heart disease in this state today. Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve and participate in the Wellness Revolution for girls today.

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