
    Is There A Menopause-Diet?

    Soy and Menopause – Meno-Diet Hot Flash! Do soy and menopause really have anything valuable in common with one another. Has the soy menopause equation been hyped to the outer limits? Treating menopause with a pure solution has been a enormous quest for many women throughout the last ten years.

    Natural ways?

    The search for natural remedies has led many to believe that the high phytoestrogen levels found in soy products will in reality relieve the signs of decreasing estrogen levels that occur with the onset of menopause. With that in mind consider how the soy industry has been promoting soy products. Yes, soy is safe and has been eaten for centuries in Asian countries but look what the western media has done with it. It’s not like we in the western world would add turnips to virtually every food in the world.

    At this point you find soy in not just in tofu, miso and tempeh where it belongs but a enormous number of all you can imagine. Hot dogs, hamburgers, cheese, tons of cereals, protein powder and sports bars to scratch the surface and we have not even mentioned the soy milk and nutritional supplement industry. In researching the signs and symptoms of menopause we’ve discovered that the primary mechanism in symptoms like hot flashes is vasomotor controlled.

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    While some women reported a decrease in the seriousness of the hot flashes it had no impact on their frequency. Another recent research and the Mayo Clinic has shown no advantages on menopausal women taking soy isolates which include the high levels of phytoestrogens. It looks like the soy isolates are simply not cut out to work well to control vasomotor symptoms. In actuality, soy isoflavones that are aromatase inhibitors really lower the levels of estrogen your body makes which is far and away counter productive in trying to restrain those vasomotor reactions.

    Consider this!

    Bottom line? Is the menopause and soy connection a farce? Not in some women but care does need to be considered at the actual quantity of soy you eat on a daily basis. Some studies seem to indicated that phyoestrogens might have a stimulating effect on the growth of cancer cells in breast tissue so like all things in life moderation might be a key here. Remember, all people are different and will experience different results with unique products. Some can benefit, some might not. It’s your choice to be the judge.


    It does seem that a well rounded natural strategy is best effective in addressing the symptoms and signs of menopause and these things include a healthy diet, exercise and many different natural products which work together in an overall program. There’s a whole lot more information on the subject of the signs and symptoms of menopause if you know where to look so log on and do some study. You’ll find there are an assortment of approaches to take care of menopause and one or more of these ways may be what you’re looking for. You to can beat the menopause symptoms hands down!

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