
    How To Treat Migraines Without Medications?

    Millions of Americans suffer from migraine headaches, particularly those between 20 and 45 years old. Migraine headaches can be linked to both genetics and family history, especially if both parents suffer from the condition. A migraine is more than just a bad headache. It is an acute, throbbing, pain that is usually felt on one side. The pain can last for several days and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, sounds, and sensitivity.


    Scientists aren’t sure what triggers migraine episodes. Many factors can trigger migraines. Migraines can be severe, regardless of the cause. A migraine attack is when blood vessels in your brain constrict and then stretch, causing nerve endings that transmit pain messages to your brain. Instead of resorting to medication that only suppresses the symptoms but does not cure the cause, you can do something about migraine headaches.

    Remember that all prescription drugs are chemicals, and can have long-term adverse health effects on your body. Before you start taking prescription medications, think twice. Prevention is better than treatment. You can prevent migraine episodes by identifying all triggers. To help you identify triggers, keep a journal.

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    Proper Diet

    Start with pain-safe foods such as brown rice, cooked green and colored vegetables (except for tomatoes), and cooked or dried fruits (except for apples, bananas and citrus fruits). These pain-safe foods should be consumed for several weeks. Next, gradually and slowly add other foods to see how your body reacts to them. You will soon discover your tolerance or aversion to certain foods by going through the elimination process.

    Common triggers include dairy products, eggs and chocolate, meats, tomatoes, eggs, cheese, eggs, chocolates, milk, onions, tomatoes, bananas, citrus fruits, nuts, peanuts, wheat, and tomato sauces. Avoid soda drinks, caffeine-rich beverages (such as teas, coffees, and red wine), and alcohol. These measures are effective in preventing migraines.


    If you feel the first signs of a migraine, you should immediately take action. You should stop doing whatever you’re doing and take a break. You can massage the temple area with your fingers or gently press on the large blood vessel. This can temporarily relieve migraines in around 40% of sufferers.

    Feverfew, an herbal plant that was used by ancient Greeks to treat headaches and fever, can be used to relieve the symptoms. All health food stores sell feverfew. Feverfew is available in capsules and fresh leaves. This popular herb is safe, except for pregnant women and those with clotting disorders. There are very few side effects. Ginger has been used in the Far East for thousands of years to treat headache-related symptoms. Fresh ginger should be a part of your daily diet.

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