
    Can there be a Cure for Migraines?

    Many people don’t give migraine sufferers the support they deserve. Although it is often dismissed as “just a headache” – everyone gets headaches, anyone who has ever suffered from migraines knows how severe the condition can be. Migraine sufferers are often left with little to no choice but to lie down in a dark, quiet place and wait for their migraines to pass.


    What causes migraines? There are many theories about why someone gets a migraine. Unfortunately, 75 percent of migraine sufferers who are female are also affected by migraines. There are many triggers for migraines, including alcohol (red wine), caffeine or MSG, glare and hunger, lack sleep, stress, and perfume. However, recent research suggests that the most common trigger is lack of oxygen in your brain.

    As simple as it may sound, most migraines can be treated if you know how oxygen can be brought into your bloodstream and especially to the brain. Modern living has many problems that must be solved to improve blood flow to the brain. You may be wondering what I am referring to.

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    Poor Posture

    Poor posture and other neck problems can all lead to decreased blood flow to the brain. Migraines were almost unheard of a century back, so it may have something to do our modern lifestyle. Migraines have been on the rise because of people sitting at their desks and living in areas with high levels of air pollution. But it is not all bad news.

    You can reduce migraines by doing a few simple exercises. Although I understand that migraine sufferers may be skeptical of this information, it could prove to be true. This means that you won’t have to buy expensive medication that has nasty side effects. I think I could write an entire article about the side effects of migraine medications.

    How many other benefits can you get if your blood oxygen levels are increased? There will be many other benefits to your migraine than just eliminating it.


    Let me repeat that: you can eliminate your migraine. No more waiting in a dark, quiet place for your migraine to pass. No more bright lights or the other 1001 symptoms that can be associated with migraines. These exercises can be done by anyone, regardless of their fitness level. To be able to do the required exercises, you don’t need to be super fit or have tight abs. These gentle exercises can be done by anyone, so there are no excuses.

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