
    Wie sind Endometriose und Ihr Immunsystem miteinander verbunden?

    Controlling endometriosis with hormone therapy might be a fantastic idea for a number of girls, as the female sex hormone estrogen definitely fuels endometriosis symptoms. That having been said, some research is also suggesting that estrogen might not be the only issue.


    Some theories suggest that because of the fact that certain changes can be found in the immune system cells in endometriosis sufferers, endometriosis might be caused by a malfunctioning immune system. Almost all women experience retrograde menstruation. This is when endometrial tissue goes backward into the abdomen via the fallopian tubes through puberty. However, despite this fact, generally less than 10% of menstruating women develop endometriosis.

    This has lead many researchers to consider the concept that endometriosis is truly caused by a faulty immune system that enables endometriosis to grow outside the uterus after retrograde menstruation. Those who believe a malfunctioning immune system might be the reason for endometriosis, consider that the immune system fails to detect and remove endometrial tissue growing outside the uterus.

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    Unlike the immune system of the typical women – that locates and destroys the endometrial tissue due to retrograde menstruation – the immune system of women with endometriosis seems to be less active, and even faulty, in regards to the elimination of these cells. Researchers aren’t exactly certain why this happens. Some believe that women with endometriosis have an inadequate quantity of NK (natural killer) cells, which are the portion of the immune system responsible for discovering foreign invaders. With no NK cells, the immune system is weakened and might be unable to stop or recognize endometrial tissue, allowing it to invade and grow.

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    Others feel that the immune system of endometriosis sufferers may already be overwhelmed in dealing with other problems like allergies or infections. Still, some believe that maybe the burden of actually fighting the growth of endometriosis, overstresses the immune system which makes it less effective in managing the disease. Certain research is also thinking about the connection between autoimmune disorders and endometriosis. Autoimmune disorders are a malfunctioning of the immune system which causes the body to attack its own tissue.


    Recent studies have revealed that immune system disorders are more prevalent among women with endometriosis compared to those without the illness. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Feeling always emptied for over 6 months without quitting. Endocrine diseases – disease that impact the glandular tissue, such as atherosclerosis. Atopic diseases – conditions like asthma, eczema or allergies. Most of these ailments, in one way or another, result from unknown causes that seem to be in someway connected to the malfunctioning of the immune system.

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    Additionally it is interesting to notethat like endometriosis, they are usually genetic. Additionally, researchers also have found that women with endometriosis appear to be at a greater risk for developing autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, and multiple sclerosis. Medical and scientific research about this connection between faulty immune systems and endometriosis, continue to be looked into. Only time will reveal the real nature of this disorder.



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