
    Are There Safety Tip For The Valentine’s Date?

    Valentine’s Day could be harmful for the distressed single gal looking for a date so as to not be alone with this “couple’s vacation.” By harmful, I mean physically. Men who prey on girls know the symptoms of a distressed single gal around this time of year and put their plan into motion.

    The dangers

    Additionally, there are mental and psychological dangers to take into account. If you wind up with this stalker-type, you might have a long, frightening road ahead of you! Let’s take a close look at ways to prevent getting “sucked in” by the hype. I really don’t think Cupid intended what Valentine’s Day is now for many unmarried women; or couples for that matter.

    Single girls long for the romantic vacation seen in jewellery shop commercials: the guy of their dreams with a gorgeous sparkly present and enough love to last a lifetime. I don’t mean to be a buzz-kill here but have you noticed the overcrowded restaurants full of frustrated food servers and couples in their annual “obligation” date? A few years back, I emailed a new friend, Lisa, and wished her “Happy Valentine’s Day” The answer I received from this single email had more venom than I’d ever received in any email or phone call!

    Let’s see…

    She wrote that Valentine’s Day was just another reminder of the fact that her biological clock was ticking, she did not had kids or some other husband prospects in sight! She added that my positive attitude about such a dreadful day was even more angering and moved into a diatribe I wouldn’t repeat. Lisa has no idea that even though her barbarous email ended our friendship, it’s probably saved a few lives. All these lead to feeble body language; the first thing attackers look for when selecting their victims.

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    So this despair around the “holiday of love” can literally get us killed! Men understand single women are desperate to get a date and the wrong man with a distressed woman can be deadly.

    Take note

    • Chick Night – Enjoy the power of enabling girls all around you. Women who love men but do not need to have you to be happy.
    • Chick Chat – Arrange a conference call with buddies from high school, college, your mother or sisters.
    • Single Gal Night – Make yourself a excellent dinner or purchase, see a funny film, make popcorn, create a list of your great qualities and bear in mind that restaurants are packed full of unhappy couples and overwhelmed food servers. Make a list of everything you want rather than trying to match with “the audience” because individuals who must be a part of the audience have low self-esteem which isn’t on your list.
    • Childhood Valentines – Grab a box of this valentine’s we discussed in elementary school and send them to your parents, children, girlfriends and guy friends. It’s a small touch that means a whole lot in a world of emails and texts. Make someone else’s Valentine’s Day spectacular. I’ve gotten the heartfelt responses from mailing valentines for my customers merely to tell them they’re in my heart (only acceptable for specific clienteles).
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    Staying safe on Valentine’s Day by preventing the hype; opting rather for physical, psychological and psychological well-being is straightforward. Happy Valentine’s Day women! Do something on February 14th to be stronger and happier on February 15th!


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