
    How to prevent Rape and Sexual Assault?

    It’s estimated that 60 percent of all rapes and sexual assaults go unreported. Sexual assault is one of the most unreported crimes. Because of this, it’s estimated that only about 6% of rapists will ever spend a day in prison. That’s a stat that we will need to raise drastically. We will need to be certain that all these animals spend quite a while behind bars.

    Non lethal self defense products

    Approximately 67 percent of all rapes were performed by someone the victim knew, and over 50 percent of all reported rapes occurred within one mile of the victim’s house.

    The most shocking stat to me was that 84 percent of sufferers reported physical force only. This stat informs me that many prospective assaults can be prevented by arming ourselves with the knowledge to avoid certain conditions, always having an escape plan, and always using a private self defense product handy to have the ability to use immediately.

    Most non lethal self defense products, such as pepper sprays and stun guns, are designed to prevent an attacker long enough for you to break free from risk, without permanently harming anybody.

    Awareness of the environment

    Awareness of our environment is one of the primary approaches to prevent all kinds of crime, particularly sexual assaults. Most offenders like to utilize the element of surprise. Make it a point to always stay in well lit, populated areas when traveling alone. If you’re walking alone, walk on the side of the road facing traffic and walk along the curb. Avoid doorways, shrubs, and alleys, and be very aware of anyone asking for money or instructions. Always reply from a distance and do not get near the car.

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    If you feel that you’re being followed, walk quickly towards regions where there are lights and people. If you’re being followed by a car, turn and walk in another direction. When you approach your car in a parking lot, look in the vehicle and about the car, have your keys ready to open the door, and when inside, immediately begin the vehicle and leave the place. If you’re carrying defense sprays or any sort of self defense product, have them ready to use constantly. There’ll not be time to dig it from the bottom of your purse or even your own pocket in a crisis situation.

    When you know the attacker

    Most of the things covered above are for avoiding situations with strangers. Since roughly 67 percent of all sexual assaults are perpetrated by a few the sufferer knows, lets discuss how to stop a rape when you’re in immediate danger.

    Sometimes these scenarios can arise without warning, so even when you carry self defense products, you might not possess it as easy as needed at the moment. Make all the noise you can. Rapists don’t want attention drawn to them. Run only in case you have somewhere to run to. Sometimes running may escalate the situation if you can not get away. Don’t beg or plead with a rapist. Speak calmly but company with him, and fight as hard as possible. Women who resist are far less likely to be raped.

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    Gouge the eyes, kick to the groin, scratch the face, and gather all of the DNA evidence possible. Be careful if he has a weapon, but figures show that a very small percentage of rapes are committed with weapons, particularly when the victim knows their attacker. Stay alert and listen to as many details as possible so you will have the ability to help identify your attacker, and have him put behind bars where he belongs.

    Report the crime

    If you’re ever the victim of a sexual assault or rape, then it’s quite important to immediately report the crime to the authorities. Tell a friend or relative so that it’s not kept a secret. There’s a much better probability of convicting the rapist if the offense is reported immediately. Don’t bathe, shower, or douche. The natural reaction of the majority of rape victims would be to clean up themselves because they feel dirty. Don’t do it till you’ve gone into the hospital and been checked out by a physician. The physician can collect all of the evidence required to help prosecute the offense. Regardless of what the situation leading up to your rape, do not ever think it was your own fault. If you didn’t freely consent by yourself, while totally conscious of what you’re doing, you were raped.



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