
    Why To Understand The Self?

    Who are you and why do you act in the ways that you do? There’ll be much behavior that will display the numerous malaise of the persons involved. Whilst there may be a substantial need to understand your specific problem, without actually liking you and how or why you act in certain ways, in certain conditions or under certain circumstances, you may face the challenge of the permanent removal of a habit.

    Let’s understand it

    For example you might have a drink problem and whilst obtaining appropriate services has its own uses, without knowing why you drink in the first place is going to keep you dependent upon alcohol if you keep on drinking or subject to the desire to continue drinking. Yes, you can earn a momentary impression in the right direction but obtaining that’thing’ that’s powered by Inner Power, depends upon what you understand about you and the way you function as a individual in both your Inner and External Agree to eventually how you act at the External World (Physical World comprising different people and places).

    The Self embodies both the Inner and Outside Worlds of someone: the bringing of the sub-conscious (Inner World) and mindful (Outside World) adventures to give the individual with a single experience. The Self is composed of what it knows to be held in the Inner World (subconscious) and the way that individual translates their Inner World to their Outside World (aware ). The resulting behavior is what makes someone an individual, experiencing the External World according to their own translation of their Inner and Outside Worlds.

    Inner world

    The Inner World experiences soul and spiritual link to others. The Inner World is in harmony with the Universe, comprises an Omni-presence which inter-connects with ancestors and The Omni-Presence. Someone can have a romantic relationship with the Universe with no conscious knowledge using their Inner World contents; feelings like faith or gratitude. The Inner World will only show itself when the ideas, feelings and connectors become more powerful than their Outside World.

    For example, once you’re coming to the end of a connection, it’s at this time you will see clearer the defects of that individual, contents within the Outside World. Until then, you’re using the contents in your Inner World to inspire the relationship. The Outside World translates information based on world pressures. For instance, in times of austerity, it becomes much easier for someone to believe in a lack of proper resources. A individual’s Outside World comprises the ego, it encounters pity, fear, bitterness, pride among others that makes a individual dis-connect with their Inner World in addition to common features like happiness and love.

    Feelings held at the Outside World of a individual like fearfulness and surrounding behaviour that presents as fearful is interpreted and seen from the External World. The Inner World doesn’t have a direct connection to the External World but only to a individual’s Outside World where the ego is different. The Inner World does have a direct connection to the Universe but the resulting behaviour isn’t seen unless it passes through a individual’s Outside World to the External World.

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    Subconsciuos factor

    This is known as being aware of your subconscious and acting primarily in the Inner World thus experiencing compassion, love and empathy amongst other emotionally connecting feelings. These feelings of happiness and love may be the common features as explained previously. I think we have 3 ports to visualisation. The clear port is our eyes that see every physical thing that we have access to the things we are unaware that we’re seeing. Then we have the Mind’s Eye which visualises our idea content. We see what we believe. Lastly, we’ve got the Heart’s Eyes that visualises our heart’s content.

    We see what we believe in out hearts. The standard procedure to sight would be to move between all 3 ports. Sometimes, a person spends too long with the Mind’s Eye and will experience life depending on their thoughts. This can be painful for a person if they mostly see situations or life negatively since even when their bodily eyes gets access to more sights which could contradict their ideas, the individual chooses to find out what they think. A person’s ideas can be positive but at such times we must negotiate the Heart’s content to keep the ideas positive, being mindful of keeping good ideas.

    Equally if someone only sees from their Heart’s Eyes, they could miss dangerous circumstances. The Heart’s Eyes contains the Inner World ideas and whilst this sight is favoured in the vast majority of times, someone should also be to protect oneself in a world where not everyone or thing is of love, compassion and empathetic well-being.

    Good to know

    The real eyes can see all that’s presented although the holder won’t have the ability to enroll all they could see. The individual will see however what’s either contained in the Mind’s Eye or Heart’s Eye. Therefore an experience shared by over 2 people can be seen differently. The physical eyes can’t operate in isolation and will require the support of the Mind’s Eye or Heart’s Eye to interpret information of what’s seen. Remember these two ports do have common attributes, one takes more aware work (Mind’s Eye) to remain positive than another, (Heart’s Eye).

    Also, the subconscious part of a man or woman is where the Heart’s Eye is situated and remember there’s not any direct connection to the External World without passing through the conscious portion of a individual, Mind’s Eye or Outside World. Therefore all information from the Heart’s Eye moves through the Mind’s Eye but its base is firmly rooted in the Inner World. Whereas the Mind’s Eye will include information not found at the Heart’s Eye, such as envy, jealousy and pity among others. Values play a considerable role in determining sight. If you appreciate something with strength then your ideas will dictate your behavior by using the Mind’s Eye to convey you to the world and the world to you.

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    You see what you believe or vice versa, you don’t see what you think or think. Values are beliefs about something and these values will force you to behave in certain ways. Your thoughts makes you see things in accordance with your thoughts or don’t cause you to see things because of your thoughts. If you think that the World is predominantly a happy place then most of what you see will probably be interpreted as ‘happy.’ If you think the World is filled with distress then you won’t see ‘happy’ so readily but things, events or individuals who are miserable.


    You believe the world isn’t happy so you don’t see happy. If you think life is crap then this is exactly what you see and experience, a crappy life. Belief is a powerful emotion and can primarily operate in the Mind’s Eye although the holder will be convinced that their beliefs are heartfelt therefore seen in their Heart’s Eye. If this individual can’t see that others have rights to their faith it’s quite unlikely this individual’s working sight is heartfelt as heartfelt feelings aren’t beliefs but are a condition of being like love. Compassion is given to those individuals even if they don’t share our ideas, sight derived from the Heart’s Eye.

    If criticism to differences is used then sight comes from the Mind’s Eye, since it is where all negative emotions exist rather than at the Heart’s Eye. However, due to the travel of feelings derived from the Heart’s Eye has to experience the Mind’s Eye, a few people can be confused their lack of’compassion’ for another is valid since they feel that this advice compassionately or heartfelt. This idea is oxymoron, as the Heart’s Eye is a state of being that is positive so heartfelt negative emotions can’t ever be legitimised. Religious men and women think deeply about their faith and believe that their religion is heartfelt therefore feel legitimatised about criticising the non-believer.


    It doesn’t derive from the Inner World therefore can’t be heartfelt. Affirmations of positivity can be difficult to make as a deep part of you and your life. As the need to integrate and believe that your affirmations will need to be firmly rooted in the Inner World and traveling through to the Outside World prior to making its presence felt at the External World. If you merely state affirmations from the Outdoor World you’ll find challenges in making them a real part of you. To put it differently, in case you simply say words, it means nothing unless those words are linked to Inner World feelings.

    Your affirmations will need to develop in the Heart’s Eye you then visualise using your Inner World as the manual and when you’re believing of your ideas these will make itself felt and seen on your Outside World. When the journey from Heart’s Eye into Mind’s Eye occurs then you can translate this to the External World. You’re ready to experience sight out of the Inner World and affirmations will be a deep part of you. Feelings from the Heart’s Eye communicates directly to the Universe and the Universe will respond accordingly but will just make its presence felt or understood when we are ready to understand.

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    We can’t pretend we are prepared to understand by simple announcement that derives from the Mind’s Eye. We’re prepared to understand when we see in the Heart’s Eye. To see from your Heart’s Eye, see with compassion and compassion, your Inner World will do the rest as the Inner World is a state of becoming and a part of your soul. Awareness of self is crucial to control you in the External World. You want to understand where your ideas and feelings are coming from to ascertain the behaviour you desire. You want to understand if it’s your ideas derived from either your mind or heart that makes you see life how you see life. It is possible to change behaviors whenever you select by understanding you. It is possible to experience an abundant life if you decide to live primarily from the Inner World. Redress the imbalance that you’re presently residing with and enter into the domain of abundant living in your mind, body and soul.


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